As the thread title suggests, ArcScene crashes every time I try to save a new .sxd file, or open an existing one. This has only started to happen recently, and *might* be associated with a recent update to version 10.2.1 (it worked without a problem a couple of months ago before updating, but I can't say for sure that this is the problem.)
I am able to create a blank document and add and manipulate data in it, but when it comes to saving it, either by selecting 'File -> Save' or 'Save As', or clicking on the save icon on the toolbar, the program crashes immediately. Same problem when I attempt to open an existing document - clicking 'Open' from the 'File' menu causes it to crash.
Has anyone come across this issue before and have any suggestions as to what might be causing this?
I can run a version of ArcMap 10.2.1 just fine - no issues at all. I also have access to a 3D Analyst licence, which is definitely recognized by ArcScene.
Thanks in advance,