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How do you convert a 2D building polygon layer to 3D to use in ArcGIS Portal Scenes in Pro?

New Contributor

We want to publish a 3D building layer to ArcGIS Enterprise Portal 11.1 using ArcGIS Pro 3.x. (Standard, Spatial Analyst and Data Interoperability Extensions)

The building dataset will be for the whole country of Korea so we want this to be light and render fast. What are the steps to convert this from a 2D polygon layer to a 3D layer in Portal (and rendering relatively quickly)?
My initial thought was:

  1. Convert the polygons to a 3D building as objects or 3D object layer or mutlipatch layer or a scene layer / scene layer package. However, it appears that "ArcGIS Pro and CityEngine are required to create a layer with 3D buildings as objects." Alternatively, that we would need "ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension".
  2. Then, publish this as a Scene layer to portal (Copy all data and Cache on the server)

However, the only method we found that works (so far) is to use Data Interoperability to read in the 2D buildings data --> reproject to WGS 84 --> set the building base height using the base height attributes in the 3DForcer transformer --> using the Extruder transformer using the building height attribute --> Write out data as 3D multipatch layer or as an Esri Indexed 3D scene layer. Then in ArcGIS Pro, publish as a Scene layer to Portal.

What am I missing? What can be done to improve the rendering of this layer and what are the steps to take using ArcGIS Pro? Or should we stick to using Data Interoperability for creating the local layer, and then, publishing as a scene using Pro? Also if there is a more simple or effective method please let us know.

The data will be static, and will not need to be edited or frequently updated.

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