Hey guys, i am pretty new in 3D analysis in ArcMap/Scene (10.5.1.)
It might be pretty simple question ( and it hopefully is).
I am working with 3D buildings of my hometown to analyze roof solar potential.
My final goal is to produce slope and aspect data.
What kind of data i use:
- 109 multipatch (.gml) files (each contains GroundSurface, RoofSurface, Wallsurface)
>> i am interested in Roofsurfaces to analyze slope and aspect
- 1 shapefile (it contains the 109 roofsurfaces)
>> i produced it myself and used it for 2D analysis (for example: footprint to estimate and distinguish flat and sloping roof types)
What i am trying to do is:
- add z_value to the shapefile
- to create a raster elevation map
- and finally do slope and aspect analysis
My problem is:
- i dont know much about multipatch and gml. data
- i dont know how to create this z-value out of my existing data and add it the attribute table of the shapefile (if had the z-value i could use polygon to raster)
> Is it even possible? Can i use the shapefile? Or do i have to use the raw data (multipatch / gml.)
I hope you can understand what i am trying to do, and what kind of data i use.
Thanks in advance,
Solved! Go to Solution.
I just noticed that in the screenshot before I used the DWG files that you can download at the same site which can be read directly using ArcGIS (no conversion required).
Thank you very much for helps. It unforunately still does not work. It is probably an issue with the computers/servers i am working on (at my university that provides free ArcGis Software). I think its time get in touch with the administrator.
Here is what i tried for DWG files. The tool was successfully finished. But the output data seems to be unusable.
This what i tried with the GML data. Same ERROR as above.
I just wrote a script to process all the DWG files, but there seems to be a problem with some of them. When I have a (partial) result I will post it back here.
Find below the code that I wrote to process the data (DWG files):
import arcpy
def main():
import os
# settings
ws = r'C:\GeoNet\CityGML\DWG_LoD2'
fgdb = r'C:\GeoNet\CityGML\gdb\Hannover.gdb'
dsm_name = 'DSM'
slope_name = 'Slope'
aspect_name = 'Aspect'
cellsize = 1.0
sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(25832) # ETRS_1989_UTM_Zone_32N
# necessary environment settngs
arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem= sr
arcpy.env.workspace = ws
# create list of DWG file in folder (ws)
lst = arcpy.ListFiles("*.DWG")
# check out SA license
# loop through dwg file
lst_ras = []
lst_err = []
for dwg in lst:
dwg_mp = os.path.join(ws, dwg, 'MultiPatch')
print("Processing: {}".format(dwg))
# correct extent
ext = arcpy.Describe(dwg_mp).extent
ext_corr = CorrectExtent(ext, cellsize)
arcpy.env.extent = ext_corr
# define output raster name
ras_name = 'ras{}'.format(os.path.splitext(dwg)[0])
out_ras = os.path.join(fgdb, ras_name)
# create raster from multipatch and add to lost
# some files create a error. I will skip those
arcpy.MultipatchToRaster_conversion(dwg_mp, out_ras, cellsize)
except Exception as e:
print "ERROR: ", e
print "DWG that produced Errors:"
print "\n - ".join(lst_err)
# mosaic raster into new raster
print("mosaic into new raster...")
input_ras = ';'.join(lst_ras)
arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(input_ras, fgdb, dsm_name, sr, "32_BIT_FLOAT", cellsize, 1, "MEAN")
# set extent to output DSM
dsm_ras = os.path.join(fgdb, dsm_name)
arcpy.env.extent = dsm_ras
# calculate slope
print("calculate slope...")
slope_ras = os.path.join(fgdb, slope_name)
out_slope = arcpy.sa.Slope(dsm_ras, "PERCENT_RISE") # or use DEGREE
# calculate aspect
print("calculate aspect...")
aspect_ras = os.path.join(fgdb, aspect_name)
out_aspect = arcpy.sa.Aspect(dsm_ras)
def CorrectExtent(ext, cellsize):
ext.XMin = divmod(ext.XMin, cellsize)[0]
ext.YMin = divmod(ext.YMin, cellsize)[0]
ext.XMax = divmod(ext.XMax, cellsize)[0] + cellsize
ext.YMax = divmod(ext.YMax, cellsize)[0] + cellsize
return ext
if __name__ == '__main__':
The file geodatabase with the resulting rasters (DSM, slope, aspect), is about 1.5GB (compressed a little over 210MB). You can download it here: HannoverCityGML.zip - Google Drive
Thank you so much!
You are welcome