Recently there was an ArcGIS Blog post comparing the New Map Viewer and Map Viewer Classic and when certain workflows are available in one but not the other viewer ( Is there a similar blog post or article that compares web apps, especially Web AppBuilder widgets, with the new map viewer vs classic map viewer? Our users are provided apps (mostly web appbuilder apps) and not the map viewers themselves. There are many great enhancements to new Map Viewer, but those enhancements do not translate into many apps or widgets used within web appbuilder. It's frustrating to spend time designing a great map in the New Map Viewer, only to find 20% or more of the functionality of that map fails to cross over as expected into an app or widget in web appbuilder. A side by side comparison of New Map Viewer functionality and web apps and widgets that work and don't work would be useful. I have searched but cannot find a blog post/article that provides this comparison. Thank you.
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08:42 AM
Please allow us to change the selection/highlight symbology for the Search Widget in Web AppBuilder. Currently when the widget is configured to "Show pop-up for the found feature or location," the resultant color is an opaque orangey-brown, and we are unable to see underneath this color at the underlying layers. It would be groovy if you would allow us to configure the widget to either (1) change the fill transparency and color, and/or (2) remove the fill and just have the standard default cyan outline. Users are generally unaware they can clear the selection to remove the color, but when they do, they lose the selection color altogether. Having some sort of selection color when using the widget really helps users keep track of their found item when panning and zooming around. Thank you.
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05:05 PM
When using the scroll bar in an attribute table in Desktop, one can visually browse all the records as they scroll by, even on large datasets. In Pro, when you scroll the attribute table, you get a blank screen with the word "Scanning...". One has no idea where they are in the long list of records, until they stop scrolling, only to discover they need to scroll further, or they scrolled too far. This is terribly inefficient. The Desktop way to scroll works way better. Please implement this method of scrolling for the attribute tables in Pro.
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03:30 PM
In ArcGIS Online, it seems impossible to prevent a user from opening a Hosted Feature Layer (or any of its Views) in ArcGIS Desktop. Once a Hosted Feature Layer (or any of its Views) is opened in ArcGIS Desktop, the user is able to export that data. This is a severe security issue. There should be a way for ArcGIS Administrators to prevent users (named users and/or Everyone) from opening Hosted Feature Layers (or any of their Views) from within ArcGIS Desktop (including Pro), and through extension, being able to download the data.
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11:28 AM
In ArcGIS Online, it seems impossible to prevent a user from opening a Hosted Feature Layer (or any of its Views) in ArcGIS Desktop. Once a Hosted Feature Layer (or any of its Views) is opened in ArcGIS Desktop, the user is able to export that data. This is a severe security issue. There should be a way for ArcGIS Administrators to prevent users (named users and/or Everyone) from opening Hosted Feature Layers (or any of their Views) from within ArcGIS Desktop (including Pro), and through extension, being able to download the data.
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11:28 AM