dan becker "Downfall is that you can't take the map offline in Collector So close..." I've been trying to figure out for the past few hours how to bring my map offline. My web map contains layers with fields having attribute expressions that use FeatureSetByName. Is this the reason I haven't been able to figure out? Does Collector work online only in this case?
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09:57 AM
Hi Xander Bakker - I waited a couple days before replying because AGOL was doing weird things for a bit. I logged into my account the other morning to find that the attribute expression causing the error message was saved from one day to the next, while the other expressions I had made without the error message, were not saved, including some other configure attribute actions I had taken. However, everything has been acting well for the last couple of days. I changed $map to $datastore as you suggested, and the error did not appear anymore. The original expression causing the error and all other expressions and all other attribute configurations in both my layers of my map are saved and good. Did you still want me to share my map and data for you to explore the original error message?
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09:54 AM
Xander Bakker This is pretty much exactly what I needed, my bad for not being able to find the blog post myself and thank you for the link!
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01:41 PM
Hi Xander Bakker - I came across this question and your answer because I wanted to perform a similar action on my own Web Map. I'm only just beginning to familiarize myself with Arcade expressions, and I was wondering if you can help me though? I wanted to modify the code so that, when returning the list of values, all the duplicates are removed; I only want unique values. My data consists of two layers, a polygon layer (on which I'm doing this expression), and a related point layer that represents trees that are located in each polygon. I want to return the list of species names (field name Essence, in layer Arbres). As my code is currently written, if two points have the same species name, it will appear in the return list twice. I just want it to return once, removing the duplicate. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!
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12:21 PM
Hello, I'm getting an error message when saving a layer in my web map in ArcGIS Online. It comes after I set up an attribute expression to put into my pop-up. The expression works, the code works, the values in the pop-up are correct, but apparently having a reference to $map in the code leads to this attribute expression not being saved into the layer (all other edits to the layer - adding features, modifying attributes, etc., are still saved; it's the attribute expression itself that won't save). I based my code off of this help page: For reference, what I was doing with my code was: I have two layers that are related (through the field in both layers called "Project"), a polygon layer and a point layer. The point layer has a field for quantity ("Quant"). For each polygon, I want the sum of the quantities of all the points that are within/related to that polygon, and for that sum to appear as a separate field in the polygon pop-up. Ex: Polygon A contains 3 points, each with a Quant of 4. Therefore, Quant_total = 12. Like I said, the code works, the pop-up looks great, but because of the $map, the attribute expression won't save. I'm not well-versed enough in coding or expressions to figure it out, I simply copied the code from the helpful link above. So, what can I do? Thanks!
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08:20 AM
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