Hey Sayed Wali and Bryan, Andree, Sorry for missing your earlier question Sayed. What I was referring to is that when I build my dashboards a lot of data processing happens before I even create my dashboards. I use a variety of different tools to create my datasets like python or FME to find all the values and add them up in a spreadsheet. You could also do a field calculation in ArcGIS Pro to loop through all your features and create a sum field based on the name of the feature. Once you have done that if you remove all the other instances so you are just left with the distinct values then you should have your features that can be published. The problem a lot of the above have is the amount of overhead required to fix up the data and to maintain it. When pulling from data sources you don't control data schemas can change or naming conventions can change. You will also need to automate these processes or manually rerun them when you want to update the datasets. A lot of work can go into these dashboards and the data behind them! Thanks, Ben
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05:06 PM
Maggie Ardito, Shane Miles might be able to lend 5 minutes to look at this one for you. It sounds like you have some broken links in your story map but I'm not super familiar with it. If he is busy I'll take a look. Thanks Ben
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04:59 PM
Maggie Ardito, Glad to hear it is working well. You might be able to use ArcGIS Online assitant to change your layers over (ArcGIS Online Assistant ). This will let you change the endpoints of your layers so that you don't need to repoint your story map to the new layers. You can also duplicate your storymap and then repoint all the underlying layers to make sure it is working before deleting the original data. Glad to hear that it is working for you and that is a huge reduction in size. At 2.4 credits per 10mb of hosted feature layer storage you should be looking at spending only 0.72 credits per month which means you will be spending less per year then you were spending in a month! Let me know if you need any more help! Thanks Ben
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06:12 PM
Hey Maggie Ardito, I would download the data first and then you can check the size of the dataset. Then you can start to to delete layers and check the size of the file each time you remove data. I'd suggest that any layers that aren't in use be remove to try and remove size. Thanks! Ben
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07:05 PM
Hey Maggie Ardito, I've had a quick look and I'm wondering if most of the space is coming from the SJR2C_Master_MinLayers_WFL1 - usng_fl_1k_utm17r layer? It looks like its turned off and I don't think its being used in your story map. If you can remove any layers that aren't actively being used you should be able to save some space. Give that a go and let me know how you go! If you want me to look into it more please let me know but if you can grant me access to download the data then I can more easily figure out how big each of the layers are and how we can save some more space! Thanks Ben
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10:06 PM
Maggie Ardito, Looks like this one is the culprit: Using the 2.4 credits per 10MB a month (source) you are looking at spending 34.2 credits per month just to support that Hosted feature class. If we can make that one smaller we can save you some money. Are you able to share me the story map and the hosted feature layer so I can take a look? My ArcGIS Online username is bturrell_esriau and if your not sure how to share it with me you can use this for info: Sharing and Collaboration across ArcGIS Online Organizations Thanks Ben
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06:49 PM
Hey Maggie Ardito, Most of the credit cost comes from hosted feature layers so your ppkx would have been using credits but at only 1.2 credits per 1GB per month. Can you upload a pic of your credit usage so I can have a look? Thanks Ben
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04:47 PM
Hey Maggie Ardito, You can try this out: Housekeeping - beta It will tell you how many credits you are using to host what content. You may be able to find some layers that you no longer need that are chewing up credits. The credit usage is generally hosted feature layers so if you can minimize the size of those layers by removing unnecessary data it can really help with the credit usage. If the above don't help please reach out to me and I can help you out more or can help you interpret the results. Thanks Ben If this answer was helpful please mark it as helpful. If this answer solved your question please mark it as the answer to help others who have the same question.
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08:53 PM
Hey Philip Wilson, Any more news on this one? I'm eagerly awaiting the new release. Thanks! Ben
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08:47 PM
Hey Antonio Saavedra, You can see a list of functions that use credits here: Understand credits—ArcGIS Online Help | Documentation If you are referring to the survey123 app locating you on the map I don't believe that uses credits. I believe the only thing that uses credits is generating survey123 reports. Thanks Ben If this answer was helpful please mark it as helpful. If this answer solved your question please mark it as the answer to help others who have the same question.
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08:45 PM
Shane Miles, Looks like we got here at the same time!
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08:40 PM
Hey Pat Hohl, I've enjoyed working with Geonet over the last few years (only contributing for the last year or so)! I'd love to see the levels balanced a little bit more. That jump from 5 to 6 has been a long way off for a while now! Hoping to see Robert Scheitlin, GISP, Dan Patterson, Joshua Bixby, Xander BakkerDan PattersonXander Bakker and everyone else that makes this a great community on the other side! ! Thanks Ben
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08:39 PM
Hey Tamara Parsons, If you just want to drop a point on their location you could use Field Data Collection App | ArcGIS QuickCapture If you want to drop a point on their location and collect some information you could use: I'm happy to help out if you have any questions feel free to tag me or reply to this question! Good luck Tamara Parsons! Thanks Ben If this answer was helpful please mark it as helpful. If this answer solved your question please mark it as the answer to help others who have the same question.
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08:32 PM
Hey Sean Miller, There are a lot more windows users than linux out there for ArcGIS that is for sure! You can have a chat to your local esri supplier but if you are looking at launching an ArcGIS Server using linux in the cloud I would recommend using the cloud formation templates. You can find the details at the following links: Deploy using AWS CloudFormation templates from the AWS Management Console—ArcGIS Enterprise in the cloud | Documentation… These two links show 2 different deployment methods (Highly Available or Single machine) AWS CloudFormation and ArcGIS—ArcGIS Enterprise in the cloud | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise AWS CloudFormation and ArcGIS—ArcGIS Enterprise in the cloud | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise Highly available is generally 2-3 times the cost of standalone depending on machine sizes. The high level summary is you create an s3 bucket and put your license files and server certificates in it. Open the cloudformation for single machine or highly available (make sure you pick ubuntu not windows ). Fill out the parameters which is around usernames to create, passwords, what the bucket name is you stored the files in is called, and the url you want to access the server from at the end. You then run the template and it takes ~1hr 10 minutes for a single machine or ~3hrs for a highly available machine (These are based on windows numbers though!) If you have any questions feel free to post them as new questions and tag me and I'll help out as I can! Thanks Ben If this answer was helpful please mark it as helpful. If this answer solved your question please mark it as the answer to help others who have the same question.
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06:59 PM
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