James can you send me the reservation example as well? I am working on trying to create a check in/out system using survey123 based on availability at hunting areas. Hoping that it might help me create one.
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12:50 PM
I just went to look for the stakeholder feature service and I only have the main feature service in the folder? Should it be somewhere else?
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07:39 AM
I am using the main feature service, but reading that link you sent I should be using the stakeholder? Will I have to do all these steps every time I update the survey? I am updating the survey often. We have staff calling to add their work areas when they are not in the survey dropdown options. How do I share the xls form? There is not a link to attach a file? See the image below of what my tool bar look likes for this chat. Can I send you an email?
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07:29 AM
I created a survey123 about a month ago and our users said we need some additional options in the dropdown, so I went into survey123 connect and added them, then published. If you are in the survey the locations show up and you can select them. But then when I go to the survey results either in the data page or the web map something weird is going on. The data appears in the attribute table: but then when I go to publish the report the question is not there and is blank? Also in the webmap, the attribute is simply blank It is only doing this for the few additional options I added to the dropdown recently. The original options are working just fine. Please help. I need the final data by Friday.
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08:09 AM
Thank you so much for all this detail! Currently, in our 1 department we have about 50+ arcgis users all using collector and survey123 to collect field data (there are 5 departments all with varying counts of users). We then have 2 IT staff that are in charge of all GIS apps and database management for 1000s of employees. Our current process is: If one of our AGOL users would like an app built for their project they have to call IT, describe the project (takes 1 day), have them build what they interpreted (takes 3+ weeks with all their workload), then has the requester test it and check for edits (takes 1 day), then the requester will either notify them it needs corrections (3-5 days) and then the work is published. So the entire process from the request to the final product usually takes 3+ weeks and has alot of emails and phone calls. The only GIS permissions anyone has outside of the 2 IT staff are editing data that IT has shared on AGOL and mapping and editing data in ArcDesktop (still no access to Pro). We are hoping to restructure so there is 1 GIS person (obviously with the expertise in GIS and their respective department) in each department that can create these apps/maps/dashboards/etc. The thought behind that is IT is an expert in their field and our department is an expert in our field, but having IT build something that they are not experts in nor ever go to the field to use or test these apps, is a struggle to communicate exactly what we need. So if we have designated staff from each department that already are experts in their field as well as have the GIS expertise to create the apps needed to complete the jobs we will have faster turn around times from design to field use, as well as more accurate and appropriate for the situations. However, we are having alot of backlash/resistance from IT and other departments to have this change. So my thought was to see how other large organizations are structured and hopefully be able to grow our GIS in our organization the correct way. So I appreciate your feedback.
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08:58 AM
Thank you so much for all this detail! Currently, in our 1 department we have about 50+ arcgis users all using collector and survey123 to collect field data (there are 5 departments all with varying counts of users). We then have 2 IT staff that are in charge of all GIS apps and database management for 1000s of employees. Our current process is: If one of our AGOL users would like an app built for their project they have to call IT, describe the project (takes 1 day), have them build what they interpreted (takes 3+ weeks with all their workload), then has the requester test it and check for edits (takes 1 day), then the requester will either notify them it needs corrections (3-5 days) and then the work is published. So the entire process from the request to the final product usually takes 3+ weeks and has alot of emails and phone calls. The only GIS permissions anyone has outside of the 2 IT staff are editing data that IT has shared on AGOL and mapping and editing data in ArcDesktop (still no access to Pro). We are hoping to restructure so there is 1 GIS person (obviously with the expertise in GIS and their respective department) in each department that can create these apps/maps/dashboards/etc. The thought behind that is IT is an expert in their field and our department is an expert in our field, but having IT build something that they are not experts in nor ever go to the field to use or test these apps, is a struggle to communicate exactly what we need. So if we have designated staff from each department that already are experts in their field as well as have the GIS expertise to create the apps needed to complete the jobs we will have faster turn around times from design to field use, as well as more accurate and appropriate for the situations. However, we are having alot of backlash/resistance from IT and other departments to have this change. So my thought was to see how other large organizations are structured and hopefully be able to grow our GIS in our organization the correct way. So I appreciate your feedback.
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08:56 AM
Hopefully this the correct place to post this. If not please let me know of a better place. Thanks. I am trying to find a resource showing how a large business should structure their staff, i.e. who should be in charge of database management, app creation (collector/survey123/quick capture), web apps/maps, dashboards, story maps, data collection, etc. I found these resources from ESRI: but they are from 2004 and 1997, respectively. But I was hoping to find something more up to date. I am guess I am looking for something that says an IT department completes/manages these roles, a GIS analyst completes/manages these roles, a field worker completes/manages these roles. I hope that helps clarify my question. If you have a good resource or an example for how an organization should organize user roles it would be extremely helpful.
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11:02 AM
Hopefully this the correct place to post this. If not please let me know of a better place. Thanks. I am trying to find a resource showing how a large business should structure their staff, i.e. who should be in charge of database management, app creation (collector/survey123/quick capture), web apps/maps, dashboards, story maps, data collection, etc. I found these resources from ESRI: but they are from 2004 and 1997, respectively. But I was hoping to find something more up to date. I am guess I am looking for something that says an IT department completes/manages these roles, a GIS analyst completes/manages these roles, a field worker completes/manages these roles. I hope that helps clarify my question. If you have a good resource or an example for how an organization should organize user roles it would be extremely helpful.
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11:02 AM
Thank you. I will remove and add to the correct group
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11:01 AM
Hopefully this the correct place to post this. If not please let me know of a better place. Thanks. I am trying to find a resource showing how a large business should structure their staff, i.e. who should be in charge of database management, app creation (collector/survey123/quick capture), web apps/maps, dashboards, story maps, data collection, etc. I found these resources from ESRI: but they are from 2004 and 1997, respectively. But I was hoping to find something more up to date. I am guess I am looking for something that says an IT department completes/manages these roles, a GIS analyst completes/manages these roles, a field worker completes/manages these roles. I hope that helps clarify my question. If you have a good resource or an example for how an organization should organize user roles it would be extremely helpful.
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03:43 PM
Thank you so much for your help I will give it a try! I appreciate it!
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11:51 AM
I am not familiar with that process. Do you create repeats in survey123 connect? Do you have to set up a related database or does it automatically?
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11:34 AM
Hi Johnathan, thank you for the update. We collect wildlife data throughout the state and were hoping to use quick capture to do so. The plan we have for hands-free data collection is actually for 2 projects, for now. The first project is a roadkill survey. We have staff drive routes throughout the state and record roadkill. It would be nice to have the driver of the vehicle to be able to simply just call out - "1 deer", "1 opossum", etc. Instead of having to look at the device to find the button for deer/opossum. The other survey is a survey done in a plane/helicopter. Currently, staff fly over water bodies and speak into a recorder the count of each species on the water. For example, a biologist will fly over a lake and speak into the recorder "5 mallards, 10 gulls, 20 geese, etc. Then this data is listened to back in the office and the data entered into an excel sheet for each lake. I am hoping to use quick capture to have the voice input of the species then the count and then have it tied to the actual location of the birds rather than tied to the entire water body.
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11:32 AM
Any update on the hands free quickcapture - operating quickcapture with your voice? Really love all the updates to quickcapture so far especially the map feature, we were having staff flip between quick capture and collector to see the updates. It will be nice to have it all in one app, thank you!
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02:27 PM
Is there a way to make a survey in survey123 that will allow you to select multiple dates? We would like to make a survey to ask people to say which days certain events will be occurring on. These dates however will have varying days and lengths. I.e. we may have an event start on 3/20 and then go every other day for 3 weeks. Or we may have an event start on 3/20 but then be on 3/22, 3/23, 3/26, 3/28, 3/29, and random days. Only way I can think of to do it is to have a question asking how many days will the event occur on then have the survey logic have that many date questions popup. But this would lead to many blank columns in the database since come events may be a day and other may be 30. Could really use the help. Thanks!
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02:18 PM
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