Hello Sam, The lack of templates on your end is a concern we would like to address. Please reach out to us through our support channels, either by emailing, or by clicking the "Request a Tool or Report a Bug" link in the lower right hand corner of the Admin Tools page. We can review your issue further, and set up a screen share time to determine what's happening on your end. As for saving templates, we are adding the features of saving and loading templates. That will be available in an upcoming release.
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07:29 AM
This is in reference to the REST API's Users, Groups, and Items Search Reference. I am trying to find an item in ArcGIS Online using the search functionality provided by the REST API using the suffix (end) part of a particular string. Say I was looking for a tag that ends in 'captain'. Looking through the API, I see there are wildcard characters for single characters (?) or multiple characters (*). So, I'm thinking I can try something like: q: {tag:captain OR tag:*captain} and I should get back tags like "rowcaptain" or "spacecaptain". Instead, I get "Oh captain my captain" and "captain obvious", but no words where "captain" is a suffix. Any advice on how to get the results I'm looking for?
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02:17 PM
Hi Michael, ArcGIS Online and Portal return item dependency queries about as fast as general item searches. If your organization has a lot of content, it will take more time. But my experience has been that item dependency queries take seconds, instead of minutes for large organizations. Our View Item Dependencies tool works anytime you are selecting items in one of our tasks. As you're looking for items to delete, you can View the Item Dependencies way before you select them. You don't have to wait until the confirmation page to get the results. For more information on the View Item Dependencies, check out this YouTube video.
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01:46 PM
Hello Chris, If you're using Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online, we have a tool that does what you ask. Under the Users Tools, there is a tool in the far left column called Export Users to CSV. Comma Separated Values (CSV) is a format that can be opened by Excel or any other spreadsheet software available today. When you use the Export Users to CSV tool, it first prompts you for the users you want to export (Hint: checking the checkbox at the top of the table will check all the users). Next, it prompts you for the fields to export. Fields include user names, first and last names, and the level. Finally, the tool will prompt you to confirm your selection. Upon confirmation, it will download the data and package it into a CSV file. Export Users to CSV is available in both our free and professional versions. Hope this helps, Ken
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07:45 PM
There are a number of ways you can accomplish this, with different results. You can change the sharing of the features from Public to Organization Only or Private. But, then those features may not be visible on a publicly facing web map. If the features are hosted on ArcGIS Server, you can require an ArcGIS Server Login to access them. Then, from ArcGIS Online or Portal, you can replace the existing feature connection with the new feature connection, which will let you save the user name and password with the layer definition.That forces users to go through an ArcGIS proxy, preventing your services from being scraped. From there, you can control the rate and ways those features are used. If your features are from an ArcGIS Online or Portal hosted feature service, you can create a feature service view. This will let you control what areas, fields, and permissions a user would have with the view, independent of the permissions of the feature service.
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12:49 PM
Presentation Title Chrome Plugin for ArcGIS Server REST Services Abstract ArcGIS Server REST services can provide significant data about maps, feature services, and other hosted data. However, much of that information is hidden away within multiple layers of REST endpoints. Several years ago, Ken Doman published an open-source set of JavaScript bookmarklets for interrogating and working with ArcGIS Server REST endpoints. Since then, he has also converted those tools into a Chrome Plugin called Map Services Enhanced. These tools not only extract metadata from map services that is easy to read, but also provide search functionality and query building tools over REST endpoints. Best of all, the tools are free on the Chrome store. Presenters Ken Doman - Sr. Front End Engineer at GEO Jobe GIS Consulting Contact Information 0N265 Pleasant Hill Rd Wheaton, IL 60187 @raykendo (Twitter, Github) Presenter Biography Ken Doman is a Senior Front-End Engineer at GEO Jobe GIS Consulting. There, he maintains and creates improvements for tools like AdminTools and Mapfolio. He's also the author of Mastering ArcGIS Server Development with JavaScript (Packt Publishing).
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01:11 PM
Hello Azghar, If you use the My Location Widget in Web AppBuilder, you should find that it accomplishes everything you've outlined. It retrieves the browser's location and zooms to that point on the map. The point exists in the users's browser only, and no other application users see that point. Please note that many browsers disable geolocation features for sites that are not served over HTTPS. If you are using a Web AppBuilder application through ArcGIS Online, you shouldn't have a problem. Simply provide a link using https instead of http. If you are hosting the Web AppBuilder application, however, you will need to get an SSL certificate for your site. Thankfully, those are inexpensive fairly easy to implement (depending on your hosting situation).
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09:49 PM
Hi Klara, Thanks for the insights. I had a feeling about how the special characters (like "< >"), but I'm glad you've confirmed it. I've been able to modify my selectors to work with it. Some pseudo-selectors will work, but not the content attributes of a :before or :after selector. As for the style block in the header vs. the CSS editor, I did that on purpose. I noticed that a style block in the header would cascade onto other pages when the custom CSS editor content would not. I wasn't trying to absolutely position anything on a global level, but probably something just as breaking.
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01:04 PM
What happens to content shared to a group when the owner of the content is no longer a member of the group? For example: Alice is invited into the planning and zoning group. Alice shares web maps, web applications, and other content that she thinks the group will find useful Other members of the group use the map, web applications, etc. Alice is transferred the utilities department, and is removed from the planning and zoning group. What happens to all the maps, web applications, data, and other content Alice shared to the group? If the are not longer accessible to the group, what is the best practice to ensure that the group will still have access to Alice's content long after she is gone?
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02:12 PM
While this question might be better suited for the group, I'll go ahead and see what I can do. According to your screen shot, the Search widget is looking for a Feature Layer to search. A feature layer is different from a map service layer in that it needs to point to a specific layer in the map service. This tells it what geometry, fields, and other properties are available. Map service: https://myserver/arcgis/rest/services/mymap/mapserver/ Feature layer: https://myserver/arcgis/rest/services/mymap/mapserver/2 Also a feature layer: https://myserver/arcgis/rest/services/mymap/featureserver/2 If you add an entire map services with one or more layers, search widget won't pick up the individual layers in the service. You will need to add the layer(s) you want the search layer to use (mapserver/##) one at a time. If you have already added the whole map service, and don't want to duplicate the one layer that you want to search, you can select the "Add Service URL" option and paste in the individual layer (e.g. .../mapserver/3) in the blank provided. Hope this helps.
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07:11 AM
I've been trying to implement some of custom header items from your Open Data Deep Customization example, and I've run into some issues. In the header HTML, I've added a style block and put some CSS styles in it, but the content is changed in the output after it's saved. Below, I've added a sample snippet of the style block I added to the header CSS. CSS selectors were renamed to protect the innocent. <style>
.ember-view > div {
border: 3px solid purple;
a.newlink:after {
content: "I am a new link :)";
color: blue;
a.oldlink:after {
content: 'I am an old link :(';
color: red;
</style> And below is the output found in the HTML: <style>
.ember-view > div {
border: 3px solid purple;
a.newlink:after {
content: "I am a new link :)";
color: blue;
a.oldlink:after {
content: 'I am an old link :(&;39;;
color: red;
</style> Are there any recommendations to get around these text substitutions in style blocks, or am I limited in what I can do with styling?
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02:57 PM
When you perform a dataset or a tag search, what is the best way to change the format of the search results? They accept the color selections from the main application. But what if you want the images for search results on the left instead of on the right, or make the dataset titles centered instead of aligning left. Is there a way to create a custom template with the components positioned the way you want them to be, like there is with other parts of the Open Data site?
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01:23 PM
First off, thank you for the updates to the Open Data sites, and the Deep Customization content. Keep up the good work. I was trying to create some custom content using the text panel. Part of the content included some SVG images. When I saved the site and viewed the data, the SVGs were stripped out. When I edited the section again, the raw SVG content was still inside the configuration text area, but the SVG was missing from the row when I finished editing the content. For one of the SVG images, I used an SVG containing an internal style sheet. When I viewed the HTML code for the output page, the svg, g, and path elements were removed. However, the internal style sheet was present in the output HTML code. Is there a list of approved/unapproved HTML elements that can be used in the Open Data text blocks? Are SVGs specifically prohibited, and will using an img element with an SVG source be an acceptable substitute?
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01:04 PM
If more than one person in an ArcGIS Online organization attempts to update a configurable application, their submissions will overwrite one another, even if they edited two different portions of the configuration. Case in point: 8:30 am - Account A logs into ArcGIS Online and updates configurable parameter messageABC in Application X. Saves changes. Minimizes browser window. 9:00 am - Account B needs to change feature layer and fields in Application X. Account B logs in, makes changes, and saves configuration around 9:15 am 10 am - Account A finds out there was a typo in parameter messageABC in Application X. Restores browser, looks at tab where Application X is configured, and updates messageABC. Goes on to another tab in his browser. 11 am - Account B logs in after receiving complaints that users aren't seeing changes to Application X. Account B looks at app configuration, and sees app pointing to original feature layer, and all her changes overwritten. However, messageABC looks lovely. Account B reconfigures app to point at new feature layer, and saves changes to Application X. What I'm proposing is some sort of notification system baked into the configuration pages that prompts you to accept application configuration updates as they are worked on concurrently by other users, even if they are logged in under the same account. It would be like Google Doc's concurrent editing, or something to that affect.
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10:08 AM
ESRI has not fixed this bug in version 3.17 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, either.
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09:47 AM
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