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# Imports import arcpy import sys import os import uuid import ast # used to work with user defined extent import json # used to work with the web map json string # Snip... # Input WebMap json Web_Map_as_JSON = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) #Snip (insert other parameters) #Extra parameter - Extent Extent = ast.literal_eval(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5)) _Extent = arcpy.Extent(Extent.get("xmin"), Extent.get("ymin"), Extent.get("xmax"), Extent.get("ymax")) #Extra parameter - Scale Scale = float(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6)) # modify Web_Map_as_JSON so that the web map scale matches the scale provided. Web_Map_Dict = json.loads(Web_Map_as_JSON) Web_Map_Dict["mapOptions"]["scale"] = Scale Web_Map_as_JSON = json.dumps(Web_Map_Dict) # Snip (getting file location of templateMxd) # Convert the WebMap to a map document result = arcpy.mapping.ConvertWebMapToMapDocument(Web_Map_as_JSON, templateMxd) mxd = result.mapDocument # Snip (do other things to the map as needed) # Reference the data frame that contains the webmap # Note: ConvertWebMapToMapDocument renames the active dataframe in the template_mxd to "Webmap" df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, 'Webmap')[0] # Update the extent of the map to match the extent passed through the service. df.panToExtent(_Extent) # Snip (Do whatever else you need to the map, before serving it out.)
# Imports import arcpy import sys import os import uuid import ast # used to work with user defined extent import json # used to work with the web map json string # Snip... # Input WebMap json Web_Map_as_JSON = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) #Snip (insert other parameters) #Extra parameter - Extent Extent = ast.literal_eval(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5)) _Extent = arcpy.Extent(Extent.get("xmin"), Extent.get("ymin"), Extent.get("xmax"), Extent.get("ymax")) #Extra parameter - Scale Scale = float(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6)) # modify Web_Map_as_JSON so that the web map scale matches the scale provided. Web_Map_Dict = json.loads(Web_Map_as_JSON) Web_Map_Dict["mapOptions"]["scale"] = Scale Web_Map_as_JSON = json.dumps(Web_Map_Dict) # Snip (getting file location of templateMxd) # Convert the WebMap to a map document result = arcpy.mapping.ConvertWebMapToMapDocument(Web_Map_as_JSON, templateMxd) mxd = result.mapDocument # Snip (do other things to the map as needed) # Reference the data frame that contains the webmap # Note: ConvertWebMapToMapDocument renames the active dataframe in the template_mxd to "Webmap" df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, 'Webmap')[0] # Update the extent of the map to match the extent passed through the service. df.panToExtent(_Extent) # Snip (Do whatever else you need to the map, before serving it out.)