Mapinfo files do not play well with others. Our organization uses both MapInfo and ArcGIS, and we always do our conversions in MapInfo to "translate" them to shapefile. I've never found anything in ArcGIS 10 that will convert them. If you don't have MapInfo...then I guess this is not an option. You'll probably have to go to some third party converters, or have the originator of the data convert it to shapefile. They should probably be doing this anyway if they are distributing the data, given the wide range of ArcGIS users (and the wide range of GIS software that reads shapefiles) compared to the much smaller range of MapInfo users. This would be the most effective and problem-free way of doing it.
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10:37 AM
This looks like it might work with a little elbow grease. I just ran a quick test and it looks to have done the one-to-many join properly, but some of the geometry doesn't seem quite right. I'll dig deeper and make sure i have all the parameters set properly. Thanks! Tyler
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11:54 AM
Thanks frankv3. That rationale makes sense (though as you say, clunky; but no more clunkier than my method in the script). The only problem I see in my application of your method is that you are relying on the theory that parcels do not overlap onto other parcels, so your spatial join will work properly. So now you are thinking..."how/why would your parcels overlap?" Well, I'm dealing with mineral parcels, specifically coal parcels. A little geology knowledge will tell us that in one spatial location, coal seams were deposited at different depths; therefore, there are typically multiple coal seams "stacked" on top of each other. This creates the opportinuty for someone to own one coal seam in an area, while someone else may own another (or all the rest of them). This creates overlapping ownerships (in some cases, you may have multiple separate owners within the same boundary--all who own different coal seams and have different parcel numbers) and thus, overlapping parcels. So using a spatial join would not work for me because I could be joining one point with multiple parcels that it does not belong to. Hopefully this makes sense! Mineral ownerships can be messy, especially when you are trying to maintain boundaries for them. So you cannot use topology validation because overlaps ARE allowed for these parcels. It makes dealing with them (or conducting analysis such as this) very tricky. Any ideas? Tyler
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10:34 AM
Try the "Identity" tool. Sounds like that would work for you where you want the attributes of one feature class to be added to the other, or "joined" like you are saying. Tyler
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06:08 AM
Phyllis, That's a lot of parcels to process! Are you using a personal geodatabase? I ask because you are limited to 2GB of storage in a personal geodatabase and this could be a potential stopping point for you. If you are, switch to a file geodatabase and see if that works. You could try shapefile as well. Also, have you checked your environment settings for "Current" and "Scratch" workspaces? Your computer may be limited in the default temp location. Try changing this to another location and see if you still get the same message. More than likely, there are just too many parcels to process at once. What you may want to do is use a "Model Iterator" and see if that helps. In Modelbuilder, you can go to "Insert," then "Iterators" to see the options. Do you have a field that designates the County, District, or State (with this many parcels I'd say you have multiple states)? If you have, for example, the State FIPS code in a field, then you may want to try the "Iterate Feature Selection" iterator. This will look at the field you specify (in this case the State ID) and conduct a model run (or iteration) for each unique value in that field. So, if you have parcels for three different States, it will run the model on the first state, then the second, then the third. I attached an example of a this. You will have to copy the selected features to a new feature class for each State, then merge them together to get back to one all-encompassing dataset. You can do this by inserting the "Collect Values" tool (Insert, Model Only Tools, Collect Values). Then, you need to make this whole model iteration a "Sub-Model" inside your main model (you can drag and drop into your main model). The parameters will show up, and you can then add a "Merge" tool after the output paramater of this sub-model. This will merge ALL the outputs that the "collect values" tool collected back into one layer. See the two attachments - The first one uses the iterator, which is then included as a sub-model in second graphic. I hope this helps and doesn't confuse! 🙂 Tyler
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09:57 AM
Tyler, Awesome- worked great!! Thanks for your help!! Glad to hear it worked for you! Tyler
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09:26 AM
I'm not sure exactly how you have it set up, but try this and see if it works: In modelbuilder, you can go to "Insert", "Model Only Tools", and select "Parse Path." This tool will read your input and give you either the File Name, Path, Name, or Extension (these are defined by you). Put two of them in your model and make a variable from the "Input data Element" for one of them. Then, make that a model parameter for the user to set the input Geodatabase. Then connect that input variable to the other Parse Path tool, so you have one input going to both of them. Set one of the tools up to read "Path" and the other to read "File." Both outputs will be the "in-line variables" in your model. Rename the output elements whatever you want--in this case, I would name them "Path" and "File," respectively. I attached an example of how it should look. From then on, when you want to write to that geodatabase in your model, set the output path of your tool (like the dissolve) to "%Path%\%File%\output_file_name" . This has worked successfully for me through very complex models, even using sub-models. Tyler Bragg West Virginia Property Tax Division
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04:42 AM
I have researched this one and can't seem to find an easy way to do it: I'm trying to join a feature class of parcel polygons with a table based on one field, which will result in a one (parcels) to many (table) join. Then, for every unique record in the table (which has multiple records for each parcel polygon), I want to duplicate or copy the matching parcel polygon and create a new feature class that contains all the records from the table with the parcel geometry. I have a script that will do it, but it is very slow as it reads through each record in the parcel feature class, matches with records in the table, then copys the geometry from the parcels for each table record and attributes accordingly. I'm just trying to find out if there's an easier/faster way to do this. If the explanation is not clear, try this: Parcel feature class primary key is the ParcelID. Table primary key is the OwnershipID, which identifies all owners of each parcel (so you can have parcel1-owner1, parcel1-owner2, parcel1-owner3, etc.). Table also contains ParcelID, which has the same parcelID for every owner of the property. This is the join field. I want to then copy the parcel geometry so that I have geometry for each owner in a new feature class. The issue is that I have to conduct further analysis on an owner basis, and I need the parcel shape for each owner in order to do this. Again, my script seems to work fine, it just takes a long time to run because it has to cycle through every record. Any suggestions? Tyler
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07:43 AM
Don't know if this will help now, but I do know that there were some problems with ArcGIS at 9.1/2/3 and Internet Explorer versions that actually caused this to happen (I can't remember which IE version--maybe 7). I experienced the same problem when the IT staff pushed out an automatic IE upgrade--next thing I knew, the tools wouldn't work. But it wasn't just confined to the Clip tool--If I recall correctly, I believe every tool in the toolbox (that we tried) resulted in ArcMap crashing. We tried from ArcCatalog too. Still crashed. The only solution was to uninstall ArcGIS, downgrade Internet Explorer, then reload ArcGIS. Then it would work. I'm not sure why there was such a catastrophic conflict between the two programs, but that's what we experienced. Tyler
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05:40 AM
Does this article help? HowTo: Add descriptive text in the model dialog Please let me know if you have any feedback on this process! Yes, the article helps to a point, but there is still functionality missing. I will say that I had not found the "Description" tab in ArcCatalog. However, after looking at it with some of my models, it still does not replace the older, "tool-by-tool" description. This only allows you to add descriptions for the tools you set as "model parameters." What about the other tools? Can I not document what they do as well? Maybe I missed that also - if I have, please correct me. If not, then ESRI seriously needs to consider allowing documentation on ALL tools again, like in previous versions. In many of my models, I will only set 4 or 5 tools out of a total of 30 or 40 in the model to parameters, so I can just double click on the model and run from the GUI, only having to change a few things. I still need to document the "behind the scenes" processes so that 1) I can look back and understand the rationale behind what I created and 2) so that others can understand what I have done if they have to follow behind me. Am I missing something? Thanks. Tyler
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03:57 AM
Randy, I am having the same problem. Did you ever find a solution? You are right--when you right-click on the model in ArcCatalog, you can select "Help" and see the process-by-process description, but I have found no way to edit that description. Removing this functionality was a bad idea; a general model "Item Description" does not pay the bills for documenting model processing. We need to be able to create an explanation for each tool. Hopefully someone has found a way to edit/create this documentation, especially since you CAN see it when you open the Help. Doesn't make sense if it's there in the "help" but you can't input that information. Thanks. Tyler
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03:00 AM
Kate, Another option other than TIN creation: You could run a Natural Neighbor Interpolation (Spatial Analyst or 3D Analyst Toolbox) on your points. This will give you a grid that represents your depth. Then, you can either Reclassify the raster so that each value of your raster encompasses your depth range, then Contour from there, or you could generate contours straight from your grid (Contour Tool, 3D Analyst) based on your cell value and the countour interval you want. Not sure if this helps, but might be another route. Tyler
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11:00 AM
Ok. So i've been working on this from a number of directions, and none seem to work. Here's what I'm doing: I have a point shapefile that contains values that I want to interpolate into a raster to conduct futher anaylsis. You could call these "elevation points". The trick is, I need the Nearest Neighbor Interpolation to extend beyond the points a distance of 3 miles. This might sound easy, but as I dig deeper, it turns out that it is not (or I can't find the way to do it that makes it easy). I have a 3 mile buffer polygon shapefile created, and have tried using it as the "analysis extent" multiple times in a number of differnt ways: Environment settings in both the 3D analysis and Spatial Analyst tools in the toolbox, and in the "options" section within their individual toolbars. I have used both the toolbox tools and the tools available on the toolbars for 3D and SA. I also tried to set it as the analysis mask, that didn't work either. And I have tried every combination of using both the analysis mask and the extent (both at the same time, one at a time). I have been assured by ESRI staff that this works, but I cannot seem to prove them right. Additionally, I have attempted to create a TIN using the same methodology, then interpolate to raster from there. I even tried to edit the TIN with my buffer file so it extends the analysis area, but I can't seem to get it to work right. If I use "no values" for the height field in the "Edit Tin" tools (for my buffer), and set it to "softclip" --I've tried a number of other SF_Types as well-- It will clip my TIN to the buffer, but only inside of the main extent of the point shapefile--it won't extend beyond the file like I want. On the other hand, if I use the "ID" field as the height value for my buffer file, the TIN does extend to the extent of the buffer file; unfortunately, the ID is "0", which makes the outer edges of my TIN wrong. I have searched far and wide in the forums, but haven't found this problem. Oh, and by the way--this process does work in MapInfo using their Nearest Neighbor Interpolation by means of the use of a "Hull", which is a user defined polygon that you can draw and the interpolation will extend to the confines of this polygon, no matter how far outside your "point extent" the hull resides. We are trying to get the same thing to work in ESRI, but my colleagues and I can't seem get it to work. Any help is appreciated. Tyler
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04:50 AM
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