Randomly moving, and rotating, polygons

02-29-2012 12:33 PM
New Contributor
We have polygons for protected areas which are entirely contained within a study area polygon.  We would like to randomly move, and rotate, each protected areas polygon such that they do not overlap, and are fully contained, within the study area polygon.  We would like to repeat this randomization process x number of times.

We currently have a corridor network based on the the existing configuration of protected areas and would like to compare this corridor network with the random protected areas configurations.

Is this possible?  This is currently outside my expertise (but willing to learn) and am looking for direction/terms/concepts/etc. I should be aware of to get me started.

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13 Replies
New Contributor

Thank you for your script...huge help for someone that has never used Python!  As Melanie mentioned below, the script mostly works but random polygons are only completely within my defined study area polygon about 30-40% of the time.  For those that aren't, at least some part of the random polygon is within the study area.  I could generate a large sample of the random polygons and simply discard those that aren't  completely contained, but do you see anything obvious in your original script that would explain what's going on.  Again, many thanks!

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New Contributor III
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New Contributor

Hey all,

Thanks @Darren Wiens for this really cool code. I was helping my friend figuring out this code. The biggest issue to me is that the random polygon would not fall in the study area polygon. So I added a try/except and if/else statement to check and return until every polygon fall in the study area. Again, I have a simply polygons for test so it might not working if you have huge amount of polygon, and these polygons should be singlepart and no hollow inside. Also, I remove the "disjoint" function for checking if the result polygon is overlap or not. I hope this help

import arcpy
from arcpy import da
import random
import math

#set-up environment
workspace = r"...:/.../..." #location of your files
pa = workspace + '\\' + "polygons.shp"  # polygons to randomly rotate and move
sr = arcpy.Describe(pa).spatialReference # spatial reference
sa = workspace + '\\' + "study_area.shp" # study area
extent = arcpy.Describe(sa).extent # study area extent
sa_geom = [row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sa,'SHAPE@',spatial_reference=sr)][0] # study area geometry
new_polys = [] # placeholder

# magic function
def rotate(poly,centroid): 
    #ang = random.random() * 2 * math.pi # random rotation angle in radians if you want to have unified angle to result polygons 
    new_array = arcpy.Array() # placeholder
    rnd_x = random.uniform(extent.XMin,extent.XMax) # random x coordinate for new centroid
    rnd_y = random.uniform(extent.YMin,extent.YMax) # random y coordinate for new centroid
    rnd_centroid = arcpy.Point(rnd_x,rnd_y) # random centroid point

    while True:
                for part in poly:#for each polygon part
                    ang = random.random() * 2 * math.pi # random rotation angle in radians # set as 0 if you don't need to rotate polygon
                    for pnt in part: # for each vertex
                        x_trans = pnt.X - centroid.X # normalize to zero
                        y_trans = pnt.Y - centroid.Y # normalize to zero
                        x_transprime = (math.cos(ang) * x_trans) - (math.sin(ang) * y_trans) # new x coord, from zero
                        y_transprime = (math.sin(ang) * x_trans) + (math.cos(ang) * y_trans) # new y coord, from zero
                        x_prime = x_transprime + rnd_centroid.X # move to new centroid x
                        y_prime = y_transprime + rnd_centroid.Y # move to new centroid y
                        new_array.add(arcpy.Point(x_prime, y_prime)) # add to array

                temp_poly = arcpy.Polygon(new_array,sr) # make a temporarily polygon for test

                if sa_geom.contains(temp_poly) is True:
                    print 'inside'
                    raise Exception
                print 'outside sa, start over...'
                return rotate(poly,centroid) #here you start over and run the loop again... until all the polygon fall in study area.

    good_poly = arcpy.Polygon(new_array,sr) # make all good polygons (indside study area) from array
    return (good_poly) # return the final good polygon

print "start processing..."

with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(pa,'SHAPE@',spatial_reference=sr) as cursor: # for each polygon
    for row in cursor:
        centroid = row[0].centroid # calculate centroid
        new_polys.append(rotate(row[0],centroid)) # add returned good polygon to list
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(new_polys, workspace + '\\' + "TheResult.shp") # write to disk

print "done"


New Contributor

Thanks both Yin-hsuen Chen‌ and @Darren for the code.

I am using this same code for a very large amount of polygons, and it is still working great. However, as expected, it is taking very long. Do you have any suggestions that might speed up the execution?

Thank you! 

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