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What's Coming in ArcGIS Online

11-22-2019 01:35 PM
by Anonymous User
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Next ArcGIS Online Update Planned: December 10

On the evening of December 10 (Pacific time), we plan to update ArcGIS Online. You can look forward to improved sharing interfaces, an updated settings tab, a new capability to set organizational notices, and support for location tracking using Tracker for ArcGIS.

Improved Sharing Interfaces

The interface for both sharing and shared content will be updated.  The new interfaces clearly delineate how and whether items are shared widely to the organization or to everyone, as well as specifically to groups.


When sharing content, you first select a sharing level (Owner, Organization, or Everyone) that denotes how and whether an item is shared widely.


Then, if you’d like to share the item with groups, you can search for and select groups with the specific sets of members you want to share with. Specially designated groups such as Open Data groups, Shared Update groups and groups featured in the Gallery or Organization Home Page, will have badges that help you see the impact of sharing to these groups.


When looking at your items in the My Content tab, you will be able to see at a glance the sharing level of the item (Owner, Organization, Everyone) as well as the groups the item is shared with.


Updated Settings Tab

Administrators can more easily navigate the organization settings tab by searching for a setting or using the side navigation links. In addition, setting changes will automatically save.

New Organizational Notices

Need to notify everyone in your organization about something important? Two new announcement options will be available to administrators:

  1. Information banner: Authenticated members will see a message at the top and bottom of their ArcGIS Online organization’s site. Typical use cases could include confidentiality notices and best practice reminders.
  2. Access notice: A pop-up window needs to be accepted before logging into your ArcGIS Online organization.

Support for Location Tracking

A new organization-wide capability for ArcGIS Online will allow you to record where users are and where they have been. When you enable location tracking, licensed users in your organization can use the Tracker for ArcGIS mobile app to upload their locations. Learn more about Tracker for ArcGIS

Please note that all planned updates are subject to change. We will provide a comprehensive list of the new capabilities in our upcoming What's New email and blog article.

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