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Closest Facility "Network has no edge elements" error

05-22-2012 09:47 AM
Deactivated User
The Network Dataset I'm using to do a closest facility analysis keeps giving me the "Error: The network dataset has no edge elements. It may be unbuilt." message. I've ensured that the network is in fact built, and I "edges" show up in my table of contents.  I'm unable to identify the actual source of the problem....
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8 Replies
Deactivated User

I've seen this issue once - the problem gone away after installing SP3 for 10.0.

Otherwise - I'd try several things:

1) Add a network dataset to ArcMap and when prompted do not add any source features. Does it draw correctly and has edges?
2) Create a new file geodatabase with a new feature dataset. Use the Feature Class to Feature Class GP tool to convert the Streets feature class. Build a new network dataset there just to test it would work in a "fresh" environment.
3) Did you upgrade a network dataset from 9.3 to 10 recently? Do you store your network dataset in a geodatabase of 9.3 version or 10?
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Deactivated User
When adding the network Dataset to Arcmap it does draw the features correctly (and has edges).  I actually just attempted your second suggestion and am loading network locations at the moment.

So far everything has been done in Version 10.  I will reply when/if I can get everything squared away.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Instead of the closest facility, can you run a route and if that succeeds to make sure it is not a network dataset issue.
Jay Sandhu
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Deactivated User
pretty sure I got everything lined up and working. Thanks for the help. Now, I have to address the "out of memory" when trying to solve problem.
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Esri Regular Contributor
If the out of memory is during a closest facility solve then how many incidents, facilities do you have and how many are you solving on? And do you have hierarchy on OR a meaningful cutoff in place? For example if the closest facilities should be within 60 minutes, then use that as the distance cutoff.

Jay Sandhu
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Deactivated User
I've got 787,808 "incidents" and 65,873 facilities. Essentially I have residential locations and commercial/destinations. Closest facility seems like the best option for generating outputs of actual routes from "origins" and "destinations". 

I neglected to set a default cut off value before. So it's now set to 5. I don't have a hierarchy in the network. It's just a simple one.
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Esri Regular Contributor
If you try to solve all paths between 787,808 incidents and 65,873 facilities then that will result in about 52 billion paths and the system will run out of memory. Hopefully your 5 minute cutoff will result in a more manageable number.

Jay Sandhu
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Deactivated User
thanks.  I've been attempting to run the solve in chunks for that exact reason. I will keep you posted...
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