Using Api for JS and JS Extension for Google Maps Api in the same application

07-26-2010 09:14 AM
New Contributor
Hi, i make a training course and i must make an application with ArcGis Server.
The aim of this application is to be an interactive statistical atlas. It display features( it's points, no line and polygons) on google maps layers.

When the user chooses a subject, the features are displayed by proportional circles or by color classes. And the map are linked with a data panel. So when the user put the mouse over a feature a need to call functions, and when the user make some events in the data panel, i want select automatically the linked features.

After some research on the ESRI Resource, i think the best and easiest way is to put my features in a graphic layer( beacause there is a mouse over events) and use the class break renderer. For that i need use the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. But for displaying my features on  google maps, I need use the ArcGIS JavaScript Extension for the Google Maps API.

So I want to know, if i can use this two api in the same time? And if yes, how I can put a graphic layer in a DynamicMapServiceLayer (from the JS Extension for Google Maps)?
Or if you have any other idea, you can explain them to me?

Thank you for your help.

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