multiple selection by URL

06-10-2014 08:09 AM
New Contributor
i have a problem, i have a rest service that shows some estates, i want to select some of them using the URL, i can only select them one by one, but i need to select a group of them specifying them by the URL, this is the example where i am leading , the goal is to write the numbers of some parcels in the URL, then,  hit enter and those parcels have to be selected.
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3 Replies
Esteemed Contributor
How does this sample get the parcelid of the parcel that is selected?
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New Contributor
How does this sample get the parcelid of the parcel that is selected?

when a parcel is select, the id of the parcel is updated in the url, if you write the id of the parcel in the URL, takes you to the parcel   indicated, i want to select multiple parcels just writing the id in the URL
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New Contributor III
You can send parcel ids separated by ';' in URL string and read all ids and add in where clause of the query object. Perform query as  you are doing in single parcel selection. Zoom to the result of query task.

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