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Migrating 10.0 to 10.2.2 on a new machine - Licensing

04-15-2014 03:28 PM
Frequent Contributor
The documentation for upgrading ArcGIS Server from 10.0 states:

The easiest way to migrate from version 10.0 of ArcGIS Server is to install 10.2.2 on a new machine or set of machines. This allows you to go back and reference your existing applications and service properties while you are creating your new ArcGIS Server site.

It sounds like we can run our ArcGIS Server 10.0 and 10.2.2 at the same time.     I noticed that we do have an available 10.2 license at but was wondering how long we can run both the existing 10 and a new 10.2.2 as we migrate and then test our install.

Has anyone migrated their ArcGIS Server from 10.0 to 10.2 on a new machine?    And if so, where you able to use the two licenses (10.0 & 10.2) concurrently, and for how long?


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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor
I agree that no documentation seems to exist, at least online, that discusses the "legality" of doing what you're doing from a licensing standpoint.  The unfortunate part about ArcGIS Server's licensing model is that there is no way to 'de-authorize' a server unless you uninstall the product and remove the key codes file.  However, I would think that temporarily authorizing both the 10.0 and the 10.2.2 instances wouldn't be a big deal if (1) you're in the process of transitioning and using the 10.0 instance for reference while you configure the 10.2.2 instance as production, and (2) if users are only being directed to one of the instances at any given time.  This is just my opinion, of course.  Another concept I've heard about is the use of an EDN (Esri Developer Network) license.  I'm not sure of the requirements for acquiring such a license, but you may be able to authorize your new 10.2.2 site with an EDN until it's truly ready for production; then authorize it with a production ECP number afterward followed by an uninstallation of ArcGIS Server from your old machine.  You should probably check with Esri by asking Tech Support or your organization's Technical Advisor if one has been assigned to you.
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Esri Notable Contributor

  I suggest that you use EDN ( ) licenses for your new 10.2.2 machines. ArcGIS Server 10.2.2 and 10 are quite different so you will want to take your time understanding the architectural changes, the new publishing workflows, new available applications and capabilities.  With EDN you can setup 10.2.2 in your development machines while you learn and execute your migration.   Once you move your ArcGIS Server 10.2.2 machines into production, you can reauthorize them with 10.2.2 production licenses, which you can get from the Esri Customer Care portal.

  With your EDN licenses you can install ArcGIS Server in as many machines as you wish for development purposes. In addition, you can use your EDN licenses to create map caches that later you can use in production. You may want to keep your EDN licenses around even after your migration is complete, so you can have access to as much computing power you need for your caching workflows without having to incur into extra production-licenses.  For details on this see:  "Additional Terms of use #24".

  If you would like further details, please contact your Esri representative as you may qualify for additional licensing advantages.

Ismael Chivite
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