Architecture for Enterprise ArcGIS 10.2

02-22-2014 11:27 AM
New Contributor
I would like to know if there are any resources to learn more about how to create a system architecture for an enterprise GIS
system like ArcGIS 10.2.

This will be very helpful as I am very interested in this and that I will be involved in the coming year with planning for a Enterprise GIS System.
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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor
I would like to know if there are any resources to learn more about how to create a system architecture for an enterprise GIS
system like ArcGIS 10.2.

This will be very helpful as I am very interested in this and that I will be involved in the coming year with planning for a Enterprise GIS System.

Besides the huge and comprehensive ArcGIS Help system, I think these ESRI managed pages should be your first stop:

System Design Strategies Preface
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Arpeet,

FYI, the Esri Enterprise GIS Resource Center is another good resource for creating a system architecture for an enterprise GIS.

Hope this helps,
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