MapService or FeatServ; notate mistakes as pt/line/polygon in SQL 2008/2012

03-12-2014 09:04 AM
Occasional Contributor
dear Readers,

thank you for taking the time to read through this.

Intent of the application. We have many layers used by our field officeers nationwide. we want to create a single javscript based 'markup' app for all data layers to inspect and identify data accuracy issue at a specificied place.  we want to store this data in SQL 2008/2012.

We have code to load the layers, create graphics on JS map.

NEED HELP with the following:
what is the best way to send across this new pt, line or polygon to a .net object and then save it to SQL.

we also have code to take that geom object from .NET server object to sql 2008 or 2012.

We need the way to 'package' it from JS and ship it to the .net server object.

We need sample code for either JS to .NET server obj or JS to GP/Python.

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1 Reply
MVP Alum
You could write a servlet to receive a json object from the graphic and write it to the database.

However the easiest way would be to use a FeatureLayer with an editing service and write the "markup" directly to SDE.
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