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Query a feature layer that is not shown until query is executed

02-28-2014 11:57 AM
Occasional Contributor
I am trying to query a feature layer that is not shown on the map until the query is actually executed.  I have a button that I am using to set off the query when it is clicked.  Here is the code that I am trying to use:

on(dom.byId("mapshow"), "click", selectHistorical);
function selectHistorical(){
 var queryTask = new QueryTask(window.historicalUrl);
 var query = new Query();
 query.text = dom.byId("mydropdown").value;
 query.outSpatialReference = {"wkid":2236};
 dojo.connect(queryTask, "onComplete", function(featureSet){;
  dojo.forEach(featureSet.features, function(feature){
   var graphic = feature;;

Am I missing something?  Is there a better way to go about doing this?  Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Would a FeatureLayer in MODE_ONDEMAND or MODE_SELECTION meet your needs using the selectFeatures method?
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Occasional Contributor
Would a FeatureLayer in MODE_ONDEMAND or MODE_SELECTION meet your needs using the selectFeatures method?

The feature layer is already included in the webpage in on demand mode.  What I am trying to do is query the layer so that the only items that show up from that layer are the items from a specific unit id.  I am posting a photo of the viewer.


The dropdown menu in the right panel has the unit id's for all police vehicles.  What I want is for the historical data (in the historical feature layer) to be shown for whatever specific unit id is selected when I click on the show on map button.

I am fairly new to coding with esri, so any help is appreciated.
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