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Split Service Area shapefile into individual shaprefiles/feature classes

10-27-2013 12:01 PM
New Contributor
I have a number of Service Areas (from Network Analyst) that consist of multiple polygons.  I need to split them into individual shapefiles/features classes (each has a unique 'Name' attribute).  Is there an easy way of doing this?  I have attempted to use the Feature Class to Feature Class tool but this seems to output a single shapefile.  Any assistance would be appreciated.
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I have a number of Service Areas (from Network Analyst) that consist of multiple polygons.  I need to split them into individual shapefiles/features classes (each has a unique 'Name' attribute).  Is there an easy way of doing this?  I have attempted to use the Feature Class to Feature Class tool but this seems to output a single shapefile.  Any assistance would be appreciated.

In my understanding, you want to convert mutipart polygon features to the single polygon with single part.
So the Mutipart to Single tool can do it.
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