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S57 display

01-20-2013 08:40 PM
Labels (1)
Esri Regular Contributor
Hi all

I am trying to display a S57 file in the new RunTime WPF SDK 10.1.1
The example for HydrographicS57Layer is clear and works fine.
Now I would like to control my display properties (for example NIGHT color scheme).
As far as I understand I need the HydrographicS52DisplayProperties class for this.
I cannot find the way to get HydrographicS52DisplayProperties from HydrographicS57Layer.
The HydrographicS57Layer is written in the HydrographicS52DisplayProperties help (see here: ).

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11 Replies
Esri Contributor
Try the following:

HydrographicS52DisplayProperties a = HydrographicS52DisplayProperties.Default;
a.ColorScheme = S52ColorScheme.DayWhiteBack ;
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Emerging Contributor

Hi folks,

I've got the same issue with .NET SDK 10.2.4. I'm able to create HydrographicS57Layer with the default color scheme. But I can't figure out how to apply HydrographicS52DisplayProperties. Neither the HydrographicS57Layer nor the MapView or Map have appropriate Properties to set. Any help would be highly appreciated.


        private HydrographicS57Layer CreateENCLayer(string pathToENC)


            HydrographicS57Layer hydroLayer = new HydrographicS57Layer()


                Path = pathToENC


            HydrographicS52DisplayProperties displayProperties = HydrographicS52DisplayProperties.Default;

            displayProperties.ColorScheme = S52ColorScheme.DayWhiteBack;

            return hydroLayer;


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Deactivated User

Eugen, have you checked the DisplayProperties sample on ArcGIS Runtime for .NET Samples?


You should be able just to set values to HydrographicS52DisplayProperties.Default instance and those should be reflected to the map. If you see issues with this, could you provide a repro application so I could have a look?

In future, please use ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET‌ place for .NET specific questions.

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Emerging Contributor

Hi Antti,

I've checked the sample you mentioned. I didn't know that I need to set the DataContext of the MapView to HydrographicS52DisplayProperties. Now it works fine.

Thanks a lot!

For those who are interested:

            HydrographicS52DisplayProperties displayProperties = HydrographicS52DisplayProperties.Default;

            displayProperties.ColorScheme = S52ColorScheme.DayBright;

            displayProperties.DisplayDepthUnits = S52DisplayDepthUnits.Meters;

           <!--MainMapView ist the XAML-Name of my MapView (<esri:MapView x:Name="MainMapView") -->

               MainMapView.DataContext = displayProperties;

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Deactivated User

You shouldn't need to add it to DataContext. In sample it is used because it is manipulated through DataBinding.

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Emerging Contributor

Alright, got it.

I'm also displaying bENC with soundings. I was wondering if I can filter these soundings, because I don't need them. I already tried to change Text- und ViewGroupProperties to see if anything happens. But my ENCs and bENCs still look the same.

Bildschirmfoto 2014-11-12 um 13.39.09.png

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Deactivated User

I'm not expert on hydrographic terminology but you should be able to define if soundings are shown using

HydrographicS52DisplayProperties.Default.ViewGroupProperties.Soundings = false;

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Emerging Contributor

I already tried that one, but unfortunately it didn't work. Any other ideas?

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Deactivated User

You could load your data to S57DisplayPropertiesSample and see what settings does the trick.

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