Different results for FF and Chrome vs IE9 in web app using js api

10-03-2012 12:58 PM
New Contributor III
If you view this site
in FF or Chrome the map frame shows the service.

But if you view the site in IE9, the map service does not display.

Visual Studio does show warnings in the homepage code - the DTD is Transitional, the code uses Frameset and an error is flagged in IE9 but not in FF.

Can someone explain what the problem is?
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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor
A quick glance, I do notice you are binding dojo.addOnload() twice, once in each *.js file you reference.
I get the following error in Chrome and IE8
Message: Tried to register widget with id==map_infowindow but that id is already registered

Chrome seems to be more forgiving though and shows your map.
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