Problem with LayerVisibility in IE8

04-11-2012 11:24 PM
New Contributor II
Good Morning,
  I'm building an application that allows the user to show or not the layers using checkboxes (I'm using a DynamicMapServiceLayer and its method setVisibleLayers([...])).
While it is working correctly in firefox, when I run it in IE8 and, for example, I click on a checkbox to enable the visualization of  a specific layer, nothing happen, it need a random event performed by the user, like a user click on the map or a scroll of the page (obviusly made by the user), to update the layer visualization.

Debugging the application I noticed that when is executed the setVisibleLayers method isn't fired the map's onUpdateStart event (in IE8) , it's fired just on a random user's event.

Anyone can help me?

Thank you very much.
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1 Reply
New Contributor II
I sorted out!!! The problem was that IE8 doesn't fire properly the checkbox's onChange event...using onClick everything works correctly!!!-.-'
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