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04-02-2012 09:57 AM
Emerging Contributor
If I want to be able to locate and zoom to a county on the map - would that work with locator.addressToLocations()
Currently I use addressToLocations(address) in which the adress contains address, city, state and zip - but I just want to locate based on county and state?

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8 Replies
Deactivated User
Depends on how the underlying locator works. For what you're describing, you can use esri.tasks.Locator to hit this service:
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks for your reply - I am currently using that but when I try just specifiying a county & state no value comes back, but when I put in the whole adress - all these fields:
var address = {
                                                    address : "",
                                                    city: "",
                                                    county: "",
                                                    state: "",
                                                    zZip: ""
then I get a value back.
How can I get a value back by just entering some of these fileds?
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Deactivated User
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Emerging Contributor
still stuck on this because I only want to pass in county & state -
here's my code that pulls the data from the controls:
var address = {
                                                     county: "",
                                                    state: ""
    dojo.forEach(this.locatorFields, dojo.hitch(this, function(name) {
     address[name] = this.widgets[name].getValue();
no results are coming back even though I know ocean, nj exists - any ideas? do I need a list of predefined counties in each state?
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Frequent Contributor
still stuck on this because I only want to pass in county & state -
here's my code that pulls the data from the controls:
var address = {
                                                     county: "",
                                                    state: ""
    dojo.forEach(this.locatorFields, dojo.hitch(this, function(name) {
     address[name] = this.widgets[name].getValue();
no results are coming back even though I know ocean, nj exists - any ideas? do I need a list of predefined counties in each state?

Try this:
var address ={}; Then specify any address fields that have value. for example, if address and state has value (ocear, nj), then your code should be: address.address ="ocean"; address.state ="nj";
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Emerging Contributor
thanks, I tried that & getting back 0 locations, I try just setting NJ for state also nothing - am I using the correct arcGis location:
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Emerging Contributor
I am not sure what I am doing wrong but when I only want to specify a county and state as the address locator - no results come back - can someone please provide me with some guidance on how to use this api correctly.
my javascript so far:
var address = {
                                  county: "Ocean",
                                  state: "NJ"

It works fine when I use  all the specific address variables like this:
var address = {
                                                   address : "",
                                                   city: "",
                                                   state: "",
                                                   zZip: ""
    dojo.forEach(this.locatorFields, dojo.hitch(this, function(name) {
     address[name] = this.widgets[name].getValue();

Thanks for your continued help
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Frequent Contributor
I am not sure what I am doing wrong but when I only want to specify a county and state as the address locator - no results come back - can someone please provide me with some guidance on how to use this api correctly.
my javascript so far:
var address = {
                                  county: "Ocean",
                                  state: "NJ"

It works fine when I use  all the specific address variables like this:
var address = {
                                                   address : "",
                                                   city: "",
                                                   state: "",
                                                   zZip: ""
    dojo.forEach(this.locatorFields, dojo.hitch(this, function(name) {
     address[name] = this.widgets[name].getValue();

Thanks for your continued help

I think the better approach would be to create your own simple locator that has city and state as your address fields. You could easily grab a state and county layer and build and locator on it.
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