Is the Map Path Editor available for Desktop users?

06-28-2011 10:12 PM
Regular Contributor III
I just learnt about the Map Path Editor, which:

allows you to inspect, repair, and replace the workspace paths ... in ... map service definition (.msd) files

It looks like you need to install the Java version of ArcGIS Server to get access to the Map Path Editor?

This ability would be extremely useful for ArcMap users, who may publish an MSD but who lack an OOTB tool to check the paths*. This can cause problems when creating an MSD before sending on to an ArcGIS Server administrator, since it's difficult to verify whether the relative paths have worked.

Is it possible to access the Map Path Editor as an ArcMap user on Windows?


* the workaround is to rename the *.msd file to *.zip and double-click to view the constituent XML files.
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