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GP service not listed in ArcGIS Services Directory

05-18-2011 04:43 AM
Occasional Contributor
I'm running ArcGIS Server 10 Advanced Enterprise for Java, SP1 installed (soon SP2), on Red Hat Linux. I have several map services and a geometry service up and running successfully.

I've published a geoprocessing task, it appears just fine on the services list in ArcGIS Manager [1]: it is started and running, and the wdsl link [2] works. The ArcGIS Manager logs don't show any errors.

The issue: The service is not visible in ArcGIS Services Directory [3]. The cache has been cleared several times, the service restarted, and even the ArcGIS Server restarted (the stopserver and startserver scripts), but it just doesn't show up.

The would-be link [4] just gives the 404 error "Service '<servicename>' of type 'GPServer' does not exist or is inaccessible."

Any ideas on what to try next? (Maybe deleting the GP service and re-creating it)

Thanks in advance,


[1] http://<servername>:8099/arcgismanager/
[2] http://<servername>:8399/arcgis/services/<servicename>/GPServer?wsdl
[3] http://<servername>:8399/arcgis/rest/services
[4] http://<servername>:8399/arcgis/rest/services/<servicename>/GPServer/
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3 Replies
Esri Contributor
If the service is running and REST cache is cleared, you should be able to see a newly created service listed in the Services Directory. Not sure why it is not in this case. If this is still an issue, can you please contact ESRI Support?

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Emerging Contributor
I'm having the same problem... Didi you find a solution for these ???
1. I have published a Toolbox with web access enabled through ArcCatalog, Not showing any problem. 
2. I tested it in arcmap and everithing is working fine, however the service is not listed in the http://<server>:8399/arcgis/rest/services/<service_name>

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Deactivated User
I have the same issue. Any solution???
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