Info Summary centerAt

07-18-2019 01:59 AM
New Contributor


I'm using the Info Summary widget in WAB but I have found that when a feature is out of the map extend, the map extend is not centered towards it nor shows the pop up window. Trying to modify the Widget.json I have found that there is a function that should do exactly this but for some reason it isn't working:

_pan: function (feature, centerPoint) {
   var def = new Deferred();
   if (this.showAllFeatures && ! { (ext) {
   } else {
   return def;

Another thing I would like to change is that when you select a feature from the Info Summary drop down, the pop up window only shows the fields That you chose to display in the drop down, instead of the ones configured in the pop up.

Any ideas on how to these problems with the Info Summary widget?

Thank you

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