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Configure higly availalbe caches

06-24-2019 03:50 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hi Peoples,

We have an on premise multiple machine deployment of ArcGIS Server.  Currently the cache is on a network drive and shared between the two machines.  Looking at Configure highly available caches - we a considering placing the cache directories on each machine in the deployment.

Anyone done this?  Did it work out for you?

Cannot see any additional information anywhere, other to suggest this is how Cloud map caches are configured.



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Esri Contributor

Hey Mark,

we have done this with a few sites - it does make a small (maybe 10-20% faster - how well depends on your network and quality of SAN/NAS ) improvement in performance to use a local drive rather than a network share - but, of course, you pay for the extra storage and the hassle of needing to maintain duplicate copies - compact cache is easiest to copy around.