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AGOL Offline Map Sync Issues

03-14-2019 01:34 PM
MVP Regular Contributor

We have had ongoing issues with sync using on offline map approach.  The errors do seem to be isolated to specific services but we have redone these services and the issues still seem to persist with the new services so I don't think it is an issue with the service.

I changed to use the JobProgress handler so we could get all the posted messages and here is what we see (does not seem very informative)

Message is in the form:

$"{jobMessage.Severity}: {jobMessage.Source}: {jobMessage.Message}"‍‍

2019-03-14 15:53:30,501 Warning: Client: Sync geodatabase: Failed: "Job error 22 User defined failure. Error while handling get server sync job status. Job error 500 Unable to synchronize replica. Sync replica internal error - 426a7c13-bddf-4079-8f82-d9918c71c5dc."
2019-03-14 15:53:30,501 Warning: Client: Sync geodatabase: Failed: "Job error 22 User defined failure. Error while handling get server sync job status. Job error 500 Unable to synchronize replica. Sync replica internal error - 65c341b6-2e76-4757-960f-6ff0ddbcc5ab."
2019-03-14 15:53:30,501 Warning: Client: Layer result: Sync failed. Name: Reference Line LayerID: 1 TableName: Reference_Line URL: Job error 22 User defined failure. Error while handling get server sync job status. Job error 500 Unable to synchronize replica. Sync replica internal error - 65c341b6-2e76-4757-960f-6ff0ddbcc5ab.
2019-03-14 15:53:30,501 Warning: Client: Layer result: Sync failed. Name: Service Pipe LayerID: 0 TableName: Pipeline_Line URL: Job error 22 User defined failure. Error while handling get server sync job status. Job error 500 Unable to synchronize replica. Sync replica internal error - 426a7c13-bddf-4079-8f82-d9918c71c5dc.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

I have confirmed that the replicas does exist in AGOL and there is nothing that would seem incorrect about the replica definition:

Replica Info
Replica Name: MyReplica_485
Replica Id: 65c341b6-2e76-4757-960f-6ff0ddbcc5ab
Replica Owner: rwallace_atw
Target Type: client
LayerServerGens: [{"id":1,"serverGen":128010}]
Creation Date: 3/8/2019 3:11:38 PM
Last Sync Date: 3/8/2019 3:11:38 PM
Sync Model: perLayer
Return Attachments: True
Attachments Sync Direction: bidirectional
Spatial Relation: Intersects
geometry Polygon:
Ring0:[2019084.28533725,14707684.8862801],[2019084.28533725,14708059.7287062],[2019085.35587563,14708092.4302709]...98 more...

Layers: 1
Id: 1
Query Option: useFilter
Use Geometry: True
Include Related: True
Spatial Reference:102100

Any Ideas?

Michael Branscomb

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4 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Joe,

Would you be able to share any detail of the workflow?

- Are you using the OfflineMapTask to obtain these geodatabases and if so, are you using the on-demand or pre-planned workflow?

- what kind of edits are you making?

- do you sync back using the OfflineMapSyncTask?



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MVP Regular Contributor

This is using the OfflineMap API (that's why I had Offline Map in the title ).  In this case we are using an on demand workflow.  The edits that are failing seem to be adds.


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Esri Contributor

Thanks Joe,

I see that your replica has the following relation defined:

Spatial Relation: Intersects

Is it possible that the adds are not meeting this constraint in some way?

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MVP Regular Contributor

I am using the default parameters when generating the package.  Also sometimes the feature that has an issue will be in between two features that do sync.  So I do not think they would not meet that condition.  They are definitely well within the area of the offline tiles  

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