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Current schema is out of date

02-22-2011 10:46 AM
Deactivated User
I recently installed Workflow Manager 10 on a machine. I was able to create users, groups, and a few jobs. After being out of he office for a few days, I attempted to connect to the ArcGIS Workflow Administrator. I am now getting the message:

Error Opening Object "Database cugdd05_wmx (default)"
The current schema is out of date. Please contact your administrator to upgrade the system.

I tried running the ArcGIS Workflow Manager post installation just in case something went wrong but after reviewing the logs, it seems fine.

I have checked the database (ArcSDE 10.0 SP1 on Oracle logs and there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary with SDE.

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
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8 Replies
Esri Contributor

Very strange; I'm not sure why this would happen all of a sudden, unless either the workstation was upgraded/patched or the WMX database tables were restored to an earlier version.

Normally, the error arises when one of the values in the "JTX_DATABASE_SCHEMA" table doesn't match up with the version of WMX/JTX that you're running.  (For instance, I have a WMX database that I've set up at 10.0 SP1; if I preview the table in Catalog, the "major_version" for my DB is 0 while the "minor_version" is 44.)

My problem with this line of thought is that you already re-ran the post-install.  That *should* have upgraded any older versions of your WMX tables to the latest versions.  ...but since it didn't help you, that implies that something else is going wrong...

Is it possible for you to run the WMX post-install in another (clean) database?  I'm not sure if/how this helps you access/recover your existing data, but it might provide another point of comparison.  Or if you don't have anything significant in your existing DB, a fresh post-install might be a way to start over.  You may also wish to install SP1 for WMX 10, if you haven't already done so.

Let me know what you find...

Brian D.
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Deactivated User

Can you add a spatial database connection to the Workflow Manager repository through ArcCatalog and inspect the tables and are in that database? It is possible that you are missing some key tables - JTX_JOB and JTX_JOBS_AOI feature class.

Also check to see that you are not able to view multiple sets of Workflow Manager system tables in the repository connecting as the same user on your JTC file.

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Deactivated User
Thanks for the responses.

I think your ideas were correct as it appears that someone patched the ArcGIS to SP1 after my workflow install.

In the end we were having quite a number of other problems with the machine so we wiped it clean and did a full new install - ArcGIS Desktop 10 SP1, ArcGIS Server 10 SP1, and workflow manager. I have run the post install, created users and groups, and I am currently in the process of redoing my workflows.

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Deactivated User

Maybe this is a late reply for Gaiser, but others who would follow the problem, I faced the same problem and got it resolved by granting Select/Edit access privileges to all JTX system tables from ArcCatalog -> Select Table, Right click -> Manage -> Privileges window.

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Frequent Contributor

Hello all,

We are having this same issue running Workflow Manager 10.4.1 on PostGRES.  Is there a solution that is agreed upon for this thread?  Could this issue be caused by multiple people using the sde schema to connect to the database with the .jtc file.  Should I create a wmx user that we all use to connect to the workspace?  Or should I create separate database users for each workflow manager user?  

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Frequent Contributor

So what I did was create a new enterprise geodatabase using the sde schema; then that connection file is used in the Create Workflow Manager workspace.  In PostGRS I created a login named 'wmx'.  In ArcMap I set the workspace to the database connection and for each table I use the ChangePrivileges tool to grant view and edit access for the 'wmx' user.  In workflow administrator each user will connect to the database using the wmx user.  This seems to follow the online resource guide.  If I encounter any more issues related to the schema error I will post them here.

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Frequent Contributor
  1. Select to connect to the Workflow Manager System tables as a specific user name or connect using individual logins. If you choose the Always connect with the following database login option, enter a user name and password (and the database if using SQL Server) that has access to all the Workflow Manager system tables. If you choose the Operating System Authentication option, ensure that all users accessing the database have access to all the Workflow Manager system tables. If you choose the Each WMX User will connect with their own database loginoption, you will need to add connection properties for each user.

What level of access do the users need to all of the Workflow Manager system tables?

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

ERROR: The current schema is out of date. Please contact your administrator to upgrade the schema.
When trying to connect to an upgraded database (10.2.1 to 10.6.1)  in Workflow Manager Desktop. 
The user properties under the workflow manager database connection must match the connection properties of the geodatabase. 
For example: User Properties of the Workflow Manager Database connection: 


Connection Properties of the Workflow Manager Database connection:


NOTE: When executing the Upgrade Workflow Database GP Tool, ensure that the aforementioned connections (see images above) match.

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