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Inbox - Missing Values in Repeats

09-27-2018 01:21 PM
Occasional Contributor

Hello.  I have a Survey Form which includes Repeats, but not all the data is coming through when Viewing from the Inbox.  I have "query allowUpdates" in the bind::esri:parameters field.  I am also using calculations and choice filters in my survey.  Are the calculations and choice filters blocking data from being viewed in the Inbox?

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6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Suddha

We do have some bugs open that relate to repeats and repeat counts and hope to fix them for 3.1. Can you share your survey and we will use it as a test case?



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Occasional Contributor

Hi John,

Here is the attached survey form.  To replicate the issue I am having, please follow these steps.

  • Create a location record and then choose a Feature Type of "Monitoring". 
  • Once the Monitoring group opens, choose a Monitoring Type of either Mercury, MultiGas, or Radiation and then populate the form and submit.
  • When reviewing it in the Inbox, the record is present, but some of the fields are blank.  When I choose Radiation in the step above for instance, the Monitoring Measurement and the Monitoring Measurement Units fields are blank.  Note that these are required fields so they have to be populated before the form can be submitted.  Also, please note that the data is coming through on our server, it is simply not displaying in the Inbox. 
  • The same issue presents itself when I choose a Feature Type of Sampling and then choose a Matrix of either Surface Soil, SubSurface Soil, or Sediment.  
  • I suspect it is a result of using calculations and/or choice filters in my survey form. 
  • I am using Survey123 Connect v3.0.142 and Survey123 for ArcGIS v3.0.149.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Thank you,


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Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks for this

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Jonathan.  I just wanted to check in with you to see if there is an update that you can provide regarding my question/issue.  I am hoping to resolve this issue in my Survey123 Forms.  Thanks!

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Suddha 


I have done some further investigation and the use of selected() does not seem to be the issue. There seems to be a very specific bug that affects this survey. I have found that removing the top half of the form prevents this issue from happening. So this needs further investigation our side.


I'll raise an issue to look at this.




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Occasional Contributor

Thanks John!  I look forward to hearing what you figure out on this.  

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