Is there an equivalent application to mxd doctor, for ArcGIS Pro project files?

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05-02-2017 05:04 AM
Esri Contributor

Or how would one fix a "corrupt" .aprx file?

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Esri Notable Contributor

Greetings Miguel - in my conversation with the Pro Dev Team, there is no equivalent to the MXD Doctor.  In addition, they rarely see corrupted *.aprx's using released software.  If you do experience a corrupt *.aprx, their recommendation is to contact Esri Support Services for resolution.  Hope this helps!

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5 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Miguel - in reviewing the internal Support Services page, as of 2/16/2017, there's no MXD Doctor equivalent for ArcGIS Pro.  I have not asked the ArcGIS Pro Dev Team if there are plans for such a program in the future but could if you like.

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Esri Contributor

Greetings Robert,

Many thanks for the response. Much appreciated.  And yes please, if you would not mind, it would be great to hear from the developers if such a tool is in the works.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Greetings Miguel - in my conversation with the Pro Dev Team, there is no equivalent to the MXD Doctor.  In addition, they rarely see corrupted *.aprx's using released software.  If you do experience a corrupt *.aprx, their recommendation is to contact Esri Support Services for resolution.  Hope this helps!

Esri Contributor

Greetings Robert.  

Many thanks for checking with the Pro Dev team. Much appreciated.  I will advise a colleague, who originally placed the query, to raise the issue with Esri Support.  This is the first time we have seen anyone raising the issue, so have little experience on how to deal with it.

Thanks again.

Occasional Contributor III

Surely the developers would have included the ability for the software to write a log file as it opens an APRX file. The end user could examine the log file then use the instructions from the post linked below to remove the corruption.


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