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forceGfxRenderer:'canvas' = No Click Events on Graphics Layers

04-26-2016 03:17 PM
Occasional Contributor

Has anyone else run into a 'click' event issues on ArcGIS JS API v3.14 to v3.16 when using Canvas rendering?

var dojoConfig = {



It seems that esri.css contains a style preventing events from being processed by canvas GraphicsLayers when forceGfxRenderer is set to 'canvas'

.map .esriMapContainer .esriMapLayers > div {

  pointer-events: none;


ArcGIS Canvas Graphics Layer Click Issue - JSFiddle

- Fiddle demonstrating the problem. console message would be logged if click was intercepted..

We have worked around it now that we found this issue but this is the reason in case anyone else runs into this

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3 Replies
Deactivated User

What's been your work-around?

I'm running into the same issue in API version 3.17.

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Occasional Contributor

Does anyone have any input on how to work around this issue?  Having same problem in 3.18.


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Emerging Contributor

After spending days developing a solution based on forceGfxRenderer:'canvas' in 3.20 I too have discovered that events are not being generated for these graphics.

Is there a workaround ?

This also breaks the Edit tool.


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