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SAP Work Manager 6.2 - ESRI Maps - cached map

04-29-2015 07:32 AM
Deactivated User


I am working on the GIS Intergration on the SAP Work Manager 6.2 application. This application has offline capability/cached maps. The application runs on an Android 4.2.2 device which connects to an ESRI server within the same LAN using a wifi connection. The caching on this application does not seem to work, when the cache map button is clicked, a spinning wheel appears for a few seconds and then disappears. I have run a device debug using DDMS and I get the following errors.


Could anyone know what these errors could be pointing to? My thinking is that the ArcGIS Server is not sending a response with an Etag, please correct me if I'm wrong, if so, how can this be possibly fixed? If not, what could these errors be pointing to, anyone who has ever come across this?

Much appreciated!

Thanks and Regards;

Sizo Ndlovu

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