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ArcGIS Server MapService Query

12-18-2014 10:47 AM
Honored Contributor

I might classify this thread as a bug report.  The scenario is described below:

I created a JS application that does query on a MapService layer.  In the debugging, I got the value of the query.where  clause.  If I post this clause into the MapService layer's Where textbox, and then click the Query button, I can get respected results (e.g. a couple of dozens of records, which are the same as that in ArcMap's definition-query on the map layer in the map document).  This query clause is VERY long.  In my JS application,  I put a break-point in function showResults().  If the query clause is NOT too long, the code goes through smoothly.  However, if the clause is Too Long, it goes through without any break.  I would guess there is may be a bug in the API that may limits the length of whereClause.  If you have similar experience like that, please share  Thanks for your attention.

queryTask.execute(query, showResults);


function showResults(result) {

    var items = [];

    for (var i = 0, il = result.features.length; i < il; i++) {





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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

If your request is longer than 2048 characters, you'll need to use a proxy.

Honored Contributor

Ken:  Thanks for your point.  I added a couple lines of code, but it still does not work.  The code I added are listed below:

  dojo.require("esri.urlUtils");   // for proxy


In function init(), added: = _proxyURL; = false;

Did I miss anything else?  Thanks if you can further point it out.

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