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What would be the best way to calculate the total distance (km) in predefined cells?

05-14-2013 11:25 AM
Deactivated User

As can be seen in the attached image, I have two data files; grid cells and road route.
My question is what is the best way to calculate the total length of lines that are within each cell for all cells (377). At the end, I want to know what is the total length of lines in each cell for all 377 cells. Each cell has unique identification number to which lines within each cell can be assigned... I tried to spilt the lines into small segments but it didn't allow me since the route consists of 277 lines...
Any ideas??? Thanks for your answer in advance..
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor
This seems like something simple overlay processing can handle - don't know if you have the 'Advanced' license or not, some of the overlay tools are limited for lower licenses.  You'll have to try the tools out (in the Analysis Tools toolbox, Overlay toolset)...but I was thinking Intersect is an easy way to 'stamp' your lines with the grid polygons....the grids are polygons, correct?  If you do this you should end up with lines 'planarized' or cut at the grid boundaries, which also inherit the poly grid IDs (I think).

The only 2 remaining things you may need to do is to Calculate Geometry on the lines (unless you have this as a gdb feature class), and more importantly, summarize on grid ID (you could optionally dissolve, but you didn't say you needed the geometry).  Doing the summary will allow you to 'sum' multple segments within a single grid cell.

Hope that's clear....some of the other overlay tools may work as well, not sure which will perform better for you, given your input.

---oops, I should read my posts before submitting - you will be summarizing on grid ID to sum length; calculating geometry can be done in units of km, by the way....create a new numeric field for this.

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