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What widget do you want most

08-05-2014 05:45 AM
MVP Emeritus

I have been working on a few custom widgets for the Web App Builder, but I would like some input as to what widget/functionality people are wanting most.

The WAB has several great OTB widgets but what (realistic) widgets are missing and would be (in your opinion) great to have?

221 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Did you ever find the widget you were looking for? I am interested in the same thing.

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Deactivated User

Robert, wondered if you could post the feedback from this discussion somewhere. A list a preferred widgets. Thx

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Frequent Contributor


Aren't all of the responses to this thread the "feedback"?  To be sure, it isn't a nice, tidy list but all of the requests are there.  At the very least, I see the common thread of "all of the widgets Robert produced for the Flex Viewer" with some additions.

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MVP Alum

1. Table of Contents

2. see #1

MVP Emeritus


   What feature(s) of the LayerList Widget are missing in your TOC widget desire?

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Honored Contributor


I would agree with Jeff-

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Esteemed Contributor


The Enhanced Search Widget would be my highest priority with the widget working with mapservice URLs from my own hosted mapservices and not just webmaps from AGOL or a portal.

A Measurement widget would also be a high priority with the ability to show the measured values interactively as the user is dragging the mouse.

Frequent Contributor


1. enhanced search

2. identify

3. basemap fader/switcher

4. draw/measure

5. related records

6. street view

Like others, I would be consuming REST services directly from my own server and not via AGOL webmap/Portal.  For the basemap switcher I need it to recognize my cached map services that are in our State Plane projection. The AGOL basemap switcher doesn't seem to recognize my published basemap services as basemaps.  But maybe I am missing something simple regarding that.

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Deactivated User

Related records is now available in in popup windows in AGOL. I configured my popup to display records from my layer, and from multiple tables related to my layers. Thanks Esri!

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Deactivated User

Well, actually the related records are showing up with values of 1 and 0, instead of showing the actual values. If you click show related records, you can get at the related records, but I want it to show up in the popup, and only see the related records for the feature I clicked on, not the entire related table. Anyone know if this is expected behavior, or am I doing something wrong?

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