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WAB - Date range picker

05-27-2015 02:59 PM
Frequent Contributor

Does anyone have a widget that allows you to pick a date range from a calender to limit features on the map? For example I want to have some crime data on a map and have the user select a date range to show on the map. It would also then be nice to make it work with a chart widget.

Thanks for any help.


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23 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor


I am sure you know about this but just in case: Time Slider widget—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | ArcGIS

If not look here:Custom Floor switcher widget WAB

I believe the code provided can do what you are looking for. I believe the right direction is DefinitionExpression. I am working on a widget for "filtering" multiple attributes on one layer. I am not very far yet though.

Picking from a calendar should be an option though.

I do not know about a chart though.

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Frequent Contributor


Yeah I am aware of the time slider, but it is not very user friendly when you try to pick out specific dates.

I like the idea of filtering through multiple attributes. That would be very helpful. Do you have a working demo of your floor switcher?

The chart would just be a bonus.


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MVP Regular Contributor

I sort of have one. I have a working version but data is confidential. I need to make another one (tomorrow) that I can show you. Right now it works on one attribute but I have the code ready for two or more.

MVP Regular Contributor

Stan McShinsky,

Here you go ArcGIS Web Application

Type in any organizational password and it should work. If it does not I will change the basemap.

It needs a lot of work and this is just a demo I came up with. I am working on a filter for crime data and will post that later today (I hope).

Just open the widget to load the layer.

Frequent Contributor

Wow that is looking good. I am excited to see how it turns out.


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MVP Regular Contributor

Any suggestions on look or functionality?

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MVP Regular Contributor


Here is the next draft of the widget:


The popup can now be configured, Multiple filters can be added easier, number of visible records displayed.

As I posted elsewhere my boss does not want me to spend my time writing the setting files for the widget. So it will take a while before it gets done.

Frequent Contributor

Rickey Fite

I have been looking at this for a little while and worked up some extra things for you. Hopefully this will help and get it moving along. There still are a few things that are quirky but not sure yet how to work around it. Like you have to select the  month drop down for it to run the query. Anyway here are the changes I made:

in the index.html file in the <head> (this loads the jquery to the map)


<!-- added this jquery for the date picker  -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

in the \widgets\LocalLayer_filter\widget.js right after the startup function is called.

//--------date picker--------------------
var fromDate;
var toDate;
$(function() {
$( "#from" ).datepicker({
     // minDate: -90,
     maxDate: "+0D",
     defaultDate: "+1w",
     changeMonth: true,
     numberOfMonths: 2,
     onClose: function( selectedDate ) {
          $( "#to" ).datepicker( "option", "minDate", selectedDate );
          fromDate = selectedDate;
$( "#to" ).datepicker({
     maxDate: "+0D",
     defaultDate: "+1w",
     changeMonth: true,
     numberOfMonths: 2,
     onClose: function( selectedDate ) {
          $( "#from" ).datepicker( "option", "maxDate", selectedDate );
          toDate = selectedDate;
//------------end date picker---------------

case 104:

case "104":
     defExp2 = "Date >='"+fromDate+"' AND Date <= '"+toDate+"'"; //changed this

and lets not forget about the Widget.html file. A little better formatting and new fields.


<table style="width:100%">
    <td><label for="from">From:</label></td>
    <td><input type="text" id="from" name="from"></td> 
    <td><label for="to">To:</label></td>
    <td><input type="text" id="to" name="to"></td> 
  <select id="s5" data-dojo-id="s5" data-dojo-attach-point="test" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Select" data-dojo-props='name:"s5", onChange: myOnClick'>
  <option value="0" selected="selected">Larceny/Theft</option>
  <option value="1">Vehicle Theft</option>
  <option value="2">Assult</option>
  <option value="6">Other</option>
  <option value="7">DUII</option>
  <option value="8">Fraud</option>
  <option value="9">Burglary</option>
  <option value="10">Traffic Stop</option>
  <option value="" disabled="true">----------</option>
  <option value="Clear">All</option>
  <select id="s12" data-dojo-id="s12" data-dojo-attach-point="s12" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Select" onclick="" data-dojo-props='name:"s12"'>
  <!-- <option value="103">August</option> -->
  <option value="104" selected="selected">Date Range</option>
  <!-- <option value="105">December</option>
  <option value="106">January</option>
  <option value="" disabled="true">----------</option> -->
  <option value="Clear2">All</option>
  <select id="s1" data-dojo-id="s12" data-dojo-attach-point="s1" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Select" onclick="" data-dojo-props='name:"s1"'>
  <option value="010">Day (6am-8pm)</option>
  <option value="011">Commute(7-9am/5-7pm)</option>
  <option value="012">Night (8pm-6am)</option>
  <option value="013">Night Life (9pm-2am)</option>
  <option value="" disabled="true">----------</option>
  <option value="Clear3" selected="selected">All</option>
    <div> <span id="featcount"> Loading...</span>   


Here is the sample I based it from 

Here is the page to see more parameters to configure the datepicker

This is at least a start. I am sure there must be a better way but it works. I really like the direction of the widget.


MVP Regular Contributor

Stan McShinsky,

You work wonders!

Here is the next version:


Any Ideas on a time selector?

I am having issues with time selections that go into a new day. Ex. 9pm-2am

p.s. did you get a widget that works for you in your original question?