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OAuth Pop-up window not showing

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01-03-2018 12:12 PM
New Contributor III

I have come across a couple of discussions here that talk about how to disable the OAuth pop up window that asks the user for their username and password but I was wondering if anything can help me with the opposite version of that problem? I want the popup to appear but it doesn't on my app. I have configured the redirect Url's (based on the discussion here: ), I have also unchecked that box that allows for anonymous access. The app recognizes there are certs associated with the browser but does anyone know what else I would have to do to get the pop up window to show up?

Thank you. 

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   No there is no documentation for the jimu class PortalUser.

Here is a thread where I show it's use:

WAB get Portal user groups when map loads 

Here is another thread: 

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New Contributor III

Got it. The problem was changing the privacy settings on the map. I had the application on private but the map itself wasn't. I had to change the settings of the map that I got to using the itemId in config.json. 

Thanks you.