I'm trying to use our own print service in the print plus widget. But later I found out that it doesn't execute the "Get Layout Templates Info" GP services like the WAB print widget did. I need some help with adding the "Get Layout Templates Info" in there.
I tried to add the code
LayerInfos, in the functions
and then
LayerInfos.getInstance(this.map, this.map.itemInfo) .then(lang.hitch(this, function(layerInfosObj) { this.layerInfosObj = layerInfosObj; return all([this._getPrintTaskInfo(), this._getLayerTemplatesInfo()]) .then(lang.hitch(this, function(results) { var taksInfo = results[0], templatesInfo = results[1]; if (templatesInfo && !templatesInfo.error) { var parameters = templatesInfo && templatesInfo.results; if (parameters && parameters.length > 0) { array.some(parameters, lang.hitch(this, function(p) { return p && p.paramName === 'Output_JSON' ? this.templateInfos = p.value : false; })); if (this.templateInfos && this.templateInfos.length > 0) { this.templateNames = array.map(this.templateInfos, function(ti) { return ti.layoutTemplate; }); } } } else { console.warn('Get Layout Templates Info Error', templatesInfo && templatesInfo.error); } if (!esriLang.isDefined(taksInfo) || (taksInfo && taksInfo.error)) { this._handleError(taksInfo.error); } else { this._handlePrintInfo(taksInfo); } })); })).always(lang.hitch(this, function() { this.shelter.hide(); })); and_getLayerTemplatesInfo: function() { var def = new Deferred(); var parts = this.printTaskURL.split('/'); var pos = parts.indexOf('GPServer'); if (pos > -1) { var url = null; if (/Utilities\/PrintingTools\/GPServer/.test(this.printTaskURL)) { url = parts.slice(0, pos + 1).join('/') + '/' + encodeURIComponent('Get Layout Templates Info Task') + '/execute'; } else { url = parts.slice(0, pos + 1).join('/') + '/' + encodeURIComponent('Get Layout Templates Info') + '/execute'; } esriRequest({ url: url, content: { f: "json" }, callbackParamName: "callback", handleAs: "json", timeout: 60000 }).then(lang.hitch(this, function(info) { def.resolve(info); }), lang.hitch(this, function(err) { def.resolve({ error: err }); })); } else { def.resolve(null); } return def; },
to the printplus.js
then the widget fail loading in WAB.