I am trying to create the functionality so that when a user clicks on a polygon, it's related point feature is highlighted on my web app map. There is a similar JS api located under the Geoprocessing - Point in polygon search, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for, and it's also not in a widget form. I'm new to programming, with very limited skills, so wanted to see if anyone has created anything like this already. Thanks!
Geoprocessing - Point in polygon search | ArcGIS API for JavaScript
I don't think there is anything out of the box. eSearch widget [ rscheitlin/eSearch · GitHub ] is probably the closest. It allows for a search based on a geometry drawn by the user.
I think what your looking for is a Query. It can accept a geometry and return features found with in.
Query | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScrip
Or possibly a relationship query.
RelationshipQuery | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScript
This sample seems close - You simply replace your circle geometry with your polygon.
Select with Feature Layer | ArcGIS API for JavaScript
All of the above would take some programming.
Thanks, all very close. The only issue is that each point has many polygons 1:M relationship. So the point may actually not be in the polygon itself, but contains the attribute of the related polygon so the query has to occur on that. I just haven't been able to figure it out.