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Export current map to new webmap

07-24-2020 03:35 AM
Esri Contributor

Hi I am seeking advise on generating the webmap json that be be used to add a new webmap to portal. As I understand the map json generated from exportwebmap used by the print service has a different specification to the esri webmap json used to add the webmap as a content. Have anyone done something similiar in WAB?

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Victor,

The content of a portal item is saved as JSON at the database.. which can be seen using the ArcGIS Online Assistant tool. To reach its content for the creation of a new item sounds like a very complex task.

The easiest way I can think of is to use the functionality of a session share widget, that can copy all the "meta-data" of one map to another, but that doesn't take care of the layers and symbology, which you also need I suppose.


Esri Contributor

Thank you Shay  I was looking for something client side. David McCourt have shared something he written which we can use to extend.