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Errors when trying to use appbuilder 2.2 web print widget

05-15-2017 12:01 PM
Occasional Contributor II


I'm having trouble using the print widget, contained in appbuilder 2.2 web. I'm getting the following errors every time I click the "print" button:

1) There was an error executing the tool. Export Web Map Task Job ID: xxxxxx: "defaultBasemap_0": Could not connect to map server at An error occurred while executing (Export Web Map). An error occurred while executing (Export Web Map Task).

2) Unabled to load http://medeia.kappa.sede.intranet.fepam/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer/Export... status: 0 (Displayed by the widget's question mark);

POST http://medeia.kappa.sede.intranet.fepam/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer/Export... net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (Displayed on the chrome console).

I tried to use the esri print service, but the same problem occurs. I've tried it in many ways, but nothing works. I even asked the network administrator to release the proxy to see if it was not being blocked by the proxy, but I did not succeed either.

My scenario is this: all application code generated by web appbuilder 2.2, is inside the iro wwwroot folder of my local machine. The portal and the arcgis server, are on the server called "medeia".

Esri URL I tried to use: 

Attached is my print widget.

Thanks for any help, as I have no idea how to correct the problem.

Thank you!

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

Hello everyone!

I finally figured it out. We had some modifications in the network structure in our company, and briefly, what needed to be done, was to create a local user on the server, with permission to access the internet. It was also necessary to give internet access permission to the user arcgis on the machine where arcgis is installed.

I hope this helps someone facing the same problem.


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Occasional Contributor II
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