Ehanced draw widget for WebApp Builder for Arcgis
UPDATE 2018/05/09 (new Release v2.8.1) :
- refactoring
- use esri/geometry/projection (available since esri js api 3.24) instead of proj4js (external libs)
- systematic use of geometry engine (no more mercator utils, geometry server...)
- for polyline, the user can now add an arrow (available since esri js api 3.23)
- live measure while drawing
- WARNING : this release needs Esri API >= 3.24
Release 2.8.1 on Github
(Direct zip link : )
Demo :
Github :
Wigdet's Features (improvments of standard Draw widget) :
- add name and description fields on drawings
- enable infowindow on drawings (selection)
- on text drawing, no insert if no name.
- on modification : enable geometry update (with snapping if wanted : CTRL) and preview symbology changes on the fly
- list
- add list of all drawings
- actions on each drawing : modify / delete / [up / down] / zoom
- all drawings : zoom, copy, delete, export
- on drawing infowindow -> select drawing in list
- on zoom on a drawing -> select drawing on map (and show infoWindow)
- re-order graphics with drag&drop
- import/export : allow users to export or import drawings (json format)
- import can be done with file drag&drop in import popup
- localStorage
- dynamic saving on each drawing add/delete/update
- on widget load : load drawings saved in local Storage
- draws plus (initially from Larry Stout
- preview under mouse when adding text or point
- for text, add font choice, font angle, bold, italic, placement and underline options.
- add arrow menu for polyline
- checkbox to hide drawing's layer (and therefore widget UI)
- add of Nautical unit
- measure's for points/polylines/polygons with automatic update on element's update (or delete). Measure's can be indidualy disabled/enabled on any graphic.
- "On the fly" measure when drawing
- defaults symbols can be specified in config's file
- use of builtin projection engine (available since esri js api 3.24) instead of proj4js library
This message was updated by Jeremie Cornet (New Release)