Robert Scheitlin, GISP Kevin MacLeod Adam Gebhart and others.
You will find attached a widget version with some measure's improvments:
- a measure's label is now linked to its polygon or polyline :
- delete the polygon or the polyline will delete the measure's label
- you can't modify name and description of measure's label but
- if you modifiy symbology, it will be kepted
- if you move the label, it will be kepted until you change it's polygon or polyline
- update the polygon or polyline will update (recalculate) its mesaure's label
- on polygon or polyline update, you can activate or deactivate measure
- the link is kepted in local storage and in exported/imported file
- on config:
- you can specify if on polygon or polyline add, the measure checkbox is checked or not by default
- you can enable geometryEngine (client side) or specify a custom geometry service (server side). Please not that if the map is in webmercator or WGS84, the "old" methods will be used (esri.geometry.webMercatorUtils and esri.geometry.geodesicUtils).
- you can specify patterns for measure's label (one for polyline and one for polygon).
For now, i don't add capabilities for segment's measure or point coordinates.
Could you test this version before i release it ?
PS : if the map is in webmercator or WGS84, the measures are geodetic else planar.