I love the widget. I second all of Robert's comments, plus I have a few of my own:
A. Can't change the name or location when exporting a file.
B. Can't enter text. The text preview is always the same as drawing name
C. Not sure what I am saving. If only one drawing, then how do I select another drawing to export?
D. The drawings should be selectable on the widget as well as on the map.
That said, I've copied a few goodies from my Flex Viewer to the Esri Draw Widget for text. You can select the font, make the font bold, italic, and/or underlined, rotate the text, and best of all the text floats over the map with your cursor when you place it. I'm planning to add a checkbox for a text halo, too.
Some of these enhancements should also work for point symbols. I never want the user to be surprised with the placement of text or points when they click on the map to place them.