When trying to execute buffer in our application on the production server, user and password is requested to the address "http://gis.fepam.rs.gov.br/arcgis (Utilities / Geometry)".
If I use the geometry service of the esri "http://gis.fepam.rs.gov.br/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/Geometry/GeometryServer", it works correctly.
Our server has no proxy, so the file "config.json" includes "proxy: false".
I included the application inside the "c: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ SigFepam" folder of our server, but did not create virtual directory.
What could be happening? Should I do any specific configuration?
When the user and password are requested, I try to inform a valid users and passwords of ArcGis Server Manager, but I do not succeed.
Any help will be helpful.
Thank you!
Solved! Go to Solution.
So on the production server go to ArcGIS Server Manager and see if the lock is locked or open like in the attached image:
It seems that you have locked (secured) your GeometryService. If it was not secured then you would be able to go straight to it with out logging in. So the simple answer is have your ArcGIS Admin un-secure the Geometry Service.
Hello robert
So on the production server go to ArcGIS Server Manager and see if the lock is locked or open like in the attached image:
Hello Robert
Perfect, that's right. The geometry service was the only one that was blocked.
Thanks again.