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Elevation Profile Widget Version 2.24 - 8/3/2022

03-02-2015 06:56 PM
Labels (1)

Elevation Profile Widget Version 2.24 - 8/3/2022

Live Preview Site   

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | Help - Elevation Profile Widget


List of the latest enhancements and changes:

  1. Added setting to change the coordinate system (WKID) of the exported profiles csv coordinates. 


Older enhancements or changes

  1. Fixed issue with precision missing from settings UI
  2. Updated to WAB 2.17
  3. Fixed issue with using this widget in Tab Theme. Profile hiding the close button on the sidebar controller.
  4. Now when used in the Jewlerybox and tab theme it will open those controllers automatically.
  5. Added ability to select existing line features to profile.
  6. Added ability to choose which segment of the selected polyline to profile.
  7. Added setting to control elevation decimal precision.
  8. Fixed Issue with resizing widget and profile getting cut off.
  9. Moved all widget links to a widget menu instead.
  10. Added the ability to export Profile data to CSV file.
  11. Added the ability to flip the profiles direction of travel.
  12. Added support for doing profiles when basemap is not Web Mercator
  13. Added the ability to export the profile chart as an image (if you are not using Internet Explorer and your browser supports HTML5 Canvas).
  14. Added fix for Launchpad Theme UI issues




  • This is a port over of the Elevation Profile Template.
  • Some modifications have been done to prevent chart indicator text clipping
  • The chart display features like color, font size, etc are all configurable in the widget settings UI
  • Some validation is done on the profile task service url.
  • Full help documentation is provided for configuring and using the widget.




Labels (1)
MVP Emeritus


   No none at all. My suggestion would be to downgrade to the 2.8 version 

Occasional Contributor

Thanks, Robert! Really appreciate all the great WAB widgets.



Regular Contributor

Seems to be Theme dependent.  OK button does not work on any themes that have the in panel widget button but I can add with a theme that only has header widgets and then change back to a theme with in panel and it will be in the header widget row there.  However using it from there the results chop off the bottom of the chart and the horizontal axis labels.  Hope you can get this worked out it would be very handy.


Regular Contributor

i want to display two selected lines profile on a same graph with different color. Please suggest me.

MVP Emeritus

Not currently possible in this widget

New Contributor

Hi Robert, thanks for all your contributions. 

I am also blocked with the undefined _i18nLabels_featureAction_profileLine element in widgetJson.manifest when hitting Ok button to accept settings. I assume still a mystery why it works for some and not for others.

I'm new to custom widget development and framework as well as how this element is populated from widget files.  I hoping to get deeper and perhaps add a few additional features to the Elevation Profile widget.  This would include calculating running totals for elevation gained and loss and possible slope graph.

Yes I downgraded to your 2.8 version.


New Contributor

Looking at function addI18NLabelToManifest in utils.js it would appear that a widget needs _widgetLabel defined in <widget>\nls\strings.js in order to populate _i18nLabels_featureAction_<actionName> in widgetJson.manifest.

I added:

_widgetLabel: "Elevation Profile",



and I am able to add the Elevation Profile widget to my web app.

Perhaps there is more to the fix than what I found but I thought I would share what seems to have worked for me.


MVP Emeritus


   Sweet. Obviously this is a bug in WAB as the _widgetLabel property is not suppose to be required. I see that in my other widgets that have custom widget actions they already have the _widgetLabel property. Thanks for the info.

by Anonymous User
Not applicable


Firstly, great widget. I set this up in an app for our zoning department and they love the tool! Going back to what Raviteja was asking above, I would like to change the default measurement units to Feet, not miles. I can't find anywhere in the widget folder, where I can make this customization. With other widgets I have incorporated into my apps, you can find the HTML code and make a change looking something like this within the unit options: <option value="Feet" selected="selected">${nls.unitsFeet}</option>

I am wondering within your widget if there is a way I can do this? I can't seem to find any place to make this change. I noticed in your response to Raviteja that you used the JS API Measurement Dijit for that portion of the widget. Do you think you could give me a little more background on this?

I found this piece of code in the Widget.js file that I think has to do with the Measurement Dijit:

I am specifically looking at lines 280 & 281. Do I just have to manipulate this piece of code to change the default unit settings?

Am I missing something? Any guidance you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Siona Roberts

MVP Emeritus


   That is the exact place just change Units.MILES to Units.FEET

New Contributor

Not sure if the icon is missing or just black on black, thoughts?

Missing Icon in pop up



MVP Emeritus


  Looks like a dark icon issue. I will have to look into this.

Emerging Contributor

Hi Robert! Thanks for this wonderful widget. I tried to do a modification in the MouseIndicator but I did not get the expected result. I tried add a new MouseIndicator with a same properties that "indicatorProperties2" but with other offset and I can´t see the new MouseIndicator in the graph. Do I need to do another thing?

Thanks and best regards!! 

MVP Emeritus

Each data series in the chart can only have one indicator. So if you wish to add another indicator you need to add another data series. The best route is to duplicate the water series with a different name.

Emerging Contributor

Thanks a lot Robert!! 

Frequent Contributor

hello everyone,

hope you are all safe.

I just want to check if the link is still working please 

I'm not able to access it, is there a new link?

Thank you.

Frequent Contributor

Robert Scheitlin, GISP‌ maybe Robert can help

MVP Emeritus

Link still works. Just tested it.

Regular Contributor

I know I asked this question years ago, because I have it working in my current live site, but for the life of me I can't find the answer or figure it out.

I use the Tab Theme on my site and when I open the Elevation Widget it over-sizes the panel and removes the close button. I can't remember what I need to change to force it to stay in the default side of the sidebar-controller. Thanks Rob.

MVP Emeritus


   The tab theme sidebar is not a great fit for this widget, but here is the fix:

      onOpen: function () {
        if (this.lastMeasure && this.measureTool) {
        var panel = this.getPanel();
        var pos = panel.position;
        if( === 'TabTheme') {
          pos.width = 350;
          pos.width = 720;
Occasional Contributor

This Widget is very nice and useful thanks.
I'll try to "tune" it, but perhaps am I not the only interested:

For me, this widget will be more interesting if there was the possibility to add 2 terrain models in order to do comparison, eg. between DTM and DSM
Best regards and thanks for this work

Occasional Contributor

Hello again.

I've a small question: I wanted to "auto-start" the profil definition.

I means, auto-activate the measurement at startup.

I tried to call the "onMeasureClick" function/event at "onOpen", but it did not work.
Did I a stupid mistake or did I miss something? Any Idea how it could be done?

Best regards and thanks!

MVP Emeritus

In the onOpen add this line:

Occasional Contributor

Thanks very much!

Occasional Explorer

Is it possible to modify this widget to exaggerate the vertical scale of the graph?

MVP Emeritus

@MaxM  There is no exaggerate option in the profile task that this widget uses.

Emerging Contributor

Hi. Can I select a custom elevation data when using the Elevation Profile widget? The widget always uses the ESRI maps elevation data default (24m in Australia). I have a High resolution Elevation data (15cm) available and I would like to use it.  I tried to change the URL of the DEM I have but always showed as invalid. The figure below is showing the default URL of the widget.



Any help?

Thanks in advance

MVP Emeritus

Yes you can use your own elevation profile GP Service if it matches the esri services paramaters for input and output. Here is a 2014 Blog on my to produce your own service:


Emerging Contributor

Thank Robert. Do you have a tutorial how to produce my own service using ArcGIS Pro? I' just allowed to use Pro... Cheers


MVP Emeritus

I do not.

Frequent Contributor

I'd like to use this Elevation widget in Web app builder 2.12, where I could download the widget?



MVP Emeritus

@ZhujingXia ,

   Try using this version of the widget. If it does not work in 2.12 I can provide an appropriate link for you to download.

Occasional Contributor

This great widget was working fine till yeasterday.

We updated Server/Portal to 10.8.1 (and experienced many problems for that).
Print wasn't working any more until we installed the patch.

But know the profile widget does not work any more 😞


The Measurement Tool is not displaying (respectively is displayed for 1 second and then the widget goes blank).

I don't understeand the reason.

Does someone use it with 10.8.1 ?

We use WAB 2.13 (but did no change to it when installing 10.8.1)

Best regards and thanks.

JS console:

TypeError: Cannot set property '_newExtent' of null
at Object.<anonymous> (Measurement.js:83)
at init.js:64
at Object._successHandler (init.js:2312)
at Object._projectHandler (init.js:2697)
at init.js:64
at Object.load (init.js:2697)
at init.js:1064
at c (init.js:104)
at e (init.js:104)
at b.Deferred.resolve.callback (init.js:105) "TypeError: Cannot set property '_newExtent' of null\n at Object.<anonymous> (\n at\n at Object._successHandler (\n at Object._projectHandler (\n at\n at Object.load (\n at\n at c (\n at e (\n at b.Deferred.resolve.callback ("
m @ init.js:115
PanelManager.js?wab_dv=2.13:83 panel [widgets_Measure_Widget_48_panel] created.
WidgetManager.js?wab_dv=2.13:115 widget [widgets/Measure/Widget] created.
WidgetManager.js?wab_dv=2.13:551 fail to open widget ElevationProfile. TypeError: Cannot read property 'navigationManager' of null
at Object._resetToolState (
at Object.setTool (
at Object.advice (
at Object.c [as setTool] (
at Object.onOpen (
at Object.openWidget (
at Object.<anonymous> (
at Object.forEach (
at Object.onOpen (
at Object.d (
openWidget @ WidgetManager.js?wab_dv=2.13:551

Occasional Contributor

Hello again.


I was auto-activating the nmeasurement tool with 


in onOpen().

Without that, I've no more JS error, but the widget shows empty/blank, so I guess there is a problem with dojo.measurement somewhere, but don't know what could have changed here with 10.8.1, if WAB is same


MVP Emeritus

@GeoguichetGeoguichet , Each version of Portal uses a different version of WAB.

for example Portal 10.8.1 uses WAB 2.16. You should try to download the latest version of this widget.

Occasional Contributor

Thanks very much Robert, I'll check the new version and see what did change (we did our own version in order to be able to use 2 differents models - DSM + DTM)

Emerging Contributor

Hi @RobertScheitlin__GISP 


I have used the widget however, it prompts an error while creating the line on the widget which mentions on unable to execute the tool, and the elevation profile was not drawn.



MVP Emeritus


Can you reproduce this issue in the Live Preview Site? Just stating that the widget gives and error and not posting the details of the error is not going to help.

New Explorer

Hi! I'm a beginner in dev and I was hoping that que Red X (on the chart but also on the map line) could be costumized with a bike symbol. 



I suppose it's somewhere here:


But, i don't know how to change it to but a image src. 

Thanks for your help!


MVP Emeritus


That is the correct code location for the red X in the chart. To replace that with a bike in the chart you would have to get SVG code for a bike symbol and replace that section.

markerSymbol: 'm -6 -6, l 12 12, m 0 -12, l -12 12', // RED X //

For the red X on the map it is this line that would have to be changed:

var chartLocationSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_X, 13, outline, red);

You could change the SimpleMarkerSymbol to a PictureMarkerSymbol.

The second half of your request is quite complicated and will not be possible for someone who is a beginner in development.

Emerging Contributor

Hi Robert,


Is it possible  to standardize Y axis elevation changes  (i.e. every 10 ft  as a unit) to show slope?  In urban area, we need a SLOPE widget.


Thank you,





Occasional Contributor

Dear Robert,

Firstly, it is very helpful and great widget to deal with elevation data. 

I am trying to export x,y values in WGS84_UTM_zone40 (32640) and I have added the advised code (from one of the posts, deleted-user.***..) in widget.js as shown below


But, when i am trying to run the tool, it looks something wrong, it is keep on showing status bar.... as shown below


The tool was working before I modify and I am able to export csv file too.


Is there any place I need to change, or any other js files i need to modify ? 

do I need to change wkid anywhere?


please advice me.

thanks in advance.


Emerging Contributor
Dear Robert,

I hope to modify it and become a slope tool, showing the ratio of {100* (Elevation changes (Y)/ distance (X))}. This slope ratio and elevation change both show in a chart ( i.e 1000 feet *1000 feet ) and can be comparable through the area.


How an I do this?

Thank you.



MVP Emeritus


Have you added the


AMD module to the require list at the beginning of the widgets code?


MVP Emeritus


Sorry but I can not help with that.

Occasional Contributor

Dear Robert,

thank you for the reply, 

Now I have added it 



Then I try to test, its loading.... no message


I have added to check the dependencies loaded or not , but no error msg


anything missing, any other file I need edit ?

please advise, thank you

MVP Emeritus

@Aneel_Kumar_M  The fact that the widget is showing just loading tells me that you have your require modules and their subsequent variables out of alignment (a very common AMD coding mistake that beginners make). 

Emerging Contributor
Dear Robert,

Glad to see your response.

Is it possible to show the equal unit change of elevation change Y and X ( even start at different evaluation), and the chart can see slope change (blue area: elevation change/draw distance) more obvious and comparable?


Thank you,


MVP Emeritus


Sorry that is not something I can help with.

New Explorer

Hi Robert, 

Where could i download the widget that is suitable for arcportal 10.6?


Thank you


Version history
Last update:
‎08-03-2022 01:23 PM
Updated by: