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How to represent Sewer Inspections (Dynamic Segmentation maybe??)?

12-20-2016 08:06 AM
Deactivated User

I'm looking for the best way to put records of past sewer inspections into our GIS. I have a file geodatabase feature class that is the sewers, represented by lines, and pretty much the only attributes right now are the lengths and the diameters of the pipes. I initially thought my task would be to add inspection dates to these pipe attributes, but now that I've seen the sewer TV records I understand that usually only a partial length of a pipe was inspected, so I'd like to represent which exact portions of lines were inspected. I can create a shapefile with lines representing sewer inspection locations showing the path of each actual sewer TV recording, but then I'm not sure what the next step would be to connect that information in a useful way to the pipe in which the partial inspection took place. Is dynamic segmentation something I could do with a Basic license (and as a beginner at this, with no knowledge of Python)? And do I even have enough information to attempt linear referencing if I just have the length of each polyline M? Can I get to/from measure fields from that?

4 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

Is your inspection data in a PACP format?

CCTV Processor | ArcGIS for Water 

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Deactivated User

I'm digitizing this particular inspection data for the first time. It's just a bunch of old paper binders of Sewer TV reports.

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Deactivated User

Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, the sewer TV reports do have some two or three letter codes at different counts in the video that must be PACP. But I was under the impression the CCTV Processor app wouldn't quite work with a Basic license. Like when I try to open the "CCTV Observations to Features" geoprocessing model it says I "don't have the necessary license to execute the selected tool." I'll play around with it and see if there's yet functionality I can get out of some of those tools, though.

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Frequent Contributor

Hi there!  We put all of our inspections into a related table, so you have a setup like this>>

ssGravityMains (IDs, d/s manhole, last date tv'd, total pipe length, etc..)

         |__related inspection table (IDs, date TV'd, LENGTH TV'd on this date, etc..)

Do the relate on the ID's.  As of right now our field crews are having to manually fill in the "Last TV date", but we're working on some scripting solutions so that portion will auto fill with the most recent date.


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