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Watershed delineations of stormwater outfalls: sub-surface stream hiccup

08-10-2012 02:42 PM
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New Contributor
I am trying to delineate stormwater outfall watersheds.  On previous study sites, I have ???burned??? the storm sewer system into the DEM and that has worked fine for what I needed.  However, I have a situation now where a stormwater fed stream has been ???paved over??? for approximately a half mile until it hits the main river.  Over this half mile, the stream goes through a series of pipes and boxed culverts.  I suspect there are only a handful of underground inlets coming from other storm sewer drainage networks.

My problem is if I ???burn??? this final half mile reach of stream into the DEM the stream would be accumulating flow from immediately surrounding areas that I know are contributing to another outfall.  However, if I do not ???burn??? the stream, flow is diverted away from the known drainage system and the underground inlets to the stream in that half mile will not be accounted for in the final outfall watershed delineation.

My question: is there a way to incorporate a geometric network (or something that would represent a storm sewer system) into a watershed delineation?  Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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